What is Type II Diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes affects sugar (glucose) metabolism in one’s body. This condition’s pathophysiology is characterized by impaired regulation in the production of hepatic glucose, peripheral insulin resistance, and declining and eventually failure of the β-cell function. The body either develops insulin resistance or does not produce enough insulin to meet body demands (Irwin). With insulin resistance, body cells such as liver, fat, and muscle cells do not respond to insulin regardless of the level available. The glucose levels in the blood rise since the insulin is not being utilized. In fat cells, it is the triglycerides being broken down instead of glucose producing free fatty acids. As a result, muscle cells are robbed of their source of energy, and liver cells fail to build glycogen stores, and hence, less glucose is available for release when needed.
Some of the signs and symptoms of this condition include; extreme hunger, increased thirst, unexplained loss of weight, frequent urination, presence of ketones in one’s urine, irritability, fatigue, blurred vision, recurrent infections like vaginal and skin or gum infections, slow-healing sores among many other symptoms (Irwin). The symptoms vary depending on one’s blood sugar levels.
The complications brought about by diabetes can life-threatening. First, this condition raises the risk of getting a stroke, hypertension, heart disease, and atherosclerosis. Secondly, excess sugar can lead to pain, burning, numbness, or tingling, which mostly begins at the finger’s tips or the tip of the toes then spreads gradually, eventually damaging the nerves of the affected body parts. When the nerves controlling digestion get damaged, problems such as vomiting, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, or erectile dysfunction for men can arise. Thirdly, this illness can lead to kidney failure or disease that may require a kidney transplant or dialysis. Then again, diabetes can lead to severe eye diseases, including glaucoma and cataracts, and cause blindness when the retinal blood vessels get damaged. Another complication is slow healing. When blisters and cuts are not attended to, they can become severe infections, thus not healing well. Serious damages might necessitate leg, foot, or toe amputation.
Additionally, diabetes can cause hearing impairment. Diabetes can also make one vulnerable to skin problems, including fungal and bacterial infections. Moreover, people with this type of diabetes are more likely to suffer from OSA (obstructive sleep apnea). This complication is mainly contributed by obesity, and treating it might lower the patient’s blood pressure making him/her feel more rested. Still, it is not known whether blood sugar control improves in this case. Lastly, type 2 diabetes makes a person more susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease (Mayo Clinic Staff). When the blood sugar control is worse, the higher the chances of getting the disease. These complications can be prevented by controlling blood sugar levels.
A patient can prevent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) episodes by following their treatment plan keenly. Therefore, I will instruct the newly diagnosed patients to develop a diabetes control plan with the help of the healthcare professionals, which includes managing medication, diet, and physical activity as hypoglycemia occurs when one of these is off balance (Nall). If the patient uses insulin to control his/her blood sugar, I recommend him/her conduct tests to check blood sugar levels as instructed by the healthcare team. If the levels are not in the target range, the patient should seek help from the medical team to change the treatment plan. Changing a plan when it is not working, helps the patient identify actions that might suddenly lower blood sugar, such as doing more exercise or skipping meals (Nall). Lastly, the patient should not make any changes without informing the doctor.
Work Cited
Irwin, Michelle. “Type II Diabetes.” Digital Commons @ Otterbein | Otterbein University Research, 2017, digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1278&context=stu_msn.
Mayo Clinic Staff. “Type 2 Diabetes – Symptoms and Causes.” Mayo Clinic, 9 Jan. 2019, www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/type-2-diabetes/symptoms-causes/syc-20351193.
Nall, Rachel. “Type 2 Diabetes: Dealing with Hypoglycemia.” Healthline, 2018, www.healthline.com/health/type-2-diabetes/hypoglycemia-lessening-the-severity.