Android is an operating system that belongs to the Google Company. IOS on the other hand is a product of the Apple Company which is also an operating system. Both operating systems are used primarily in mobile technology like smart phones and tablets. The Android operating system is basically mostly used by most mobile technologies. This is because it is more PC like unlike the IOS. Android is Linux based and in some ways open source. Its interface and basic features are more customizable from top to bottom while the IOs uniform design elements are viewed to be more user friendly than customizable. While the IOS is used by only Apple devices, the android operating system is used by most phone manufacturers.
When it comes to user suitability, IOS operating system offers features that can hardly be found on the Android operating system, but the IOS has the capacity to provide for all the features found on the Android operating system. For example, it is impossible to find iCloud or Apple Mail on an android mobile phone or tablet and yet all the Google apps are available and work very well on iPhones and iPads. This means that as far as advancement and capacity to provide variety of applications, IOS is a better operating system than the Android operating system. While the focus of the Google Company is more on the Cloud, Apple on the other hand prefers to focus on local devices and native applications.
In conclusion, it is advisable to choose the mobile phone that has the operating system that is suitable for you. This is because switching from IOS to Android or the other way round costs money. One will have to pay for new applications on the app store.
John K (2010), Android vs IOS, business article, The Daily Nation Newspaper, Nation Media Publishers.