Answer these Question below
- How does the ANA’s Code of Ethics address a nurse’s responsibility to health care quality?
American Nurses Association address the quality of health with various provisions. One of the conditions is the ethical practice in compassion and respect for every person. The second provision is on the patients’ primary commitment, whether to a group, community, family, or a population. The other condition is advocating and protecting the rights and safety of all the patients. The other aspect of ethics is on accountability and responsibility during the nursing practices. They should be in line with patient-centered care. The other part is on providing research on scholarly inquiry offering professional standards in line with health and nursing policy.
- Describe why the nursing shortage is a major national issue in the United States. How could a nursing shortage in other countries worldwide affect the nursing shortage in the United States?
Nursing in the USA has a significant shortage of concerns. According to ANA, nursing continues to face a deficiency in a big way. It has resulted in high turnover, a lack of enough potential educators, and inadequacy in the workforce. One of the issues of concern is the aging population in the USA. The life expectancy is above 65 years, which calls out for an increase in health services. Older people are more vulnerable to diseases that are not proportionate to the workforce. The other reason is the nurse burnout. It happens when nurses graduate but opt to work elsewhere, leaving the profession. The other cause is on career and family. Nay people have biases associating nursing with females, which may occur, which discourages men from the occupation. The causes of nursing shortages in the USA extend globally since it is one of the countries to emulate. Itis because it has a rating of good patient-centered care
- Did California take the right approach in passing the law that mandated minimum nurse staffing ratios? Explain your answer.
California has taken the right path on the implementation of nurse-patient ration. In the year 2004, they undertook the performance of the minimal nurse-to-patient ratio requirements. In the year 2009, about 14 state3s in Columbia resulted in nursing staffing registration. Inline, they developed and introduced more 17b states in the nursing legislation. Hence California has the best policy in terms of minimum nursing to patient ratio. To support the evidence, about 22,336 hospitals were surveyed in the year 2006 in California, NewJersey, and Pennsylvania.
Consequently, the nurse’s workloads were then compared across the three states, and patient outcomes inve3stigated. It also included patient mortality and even failures to offer rescue. Hence California’s had the right approach to enact the law of minimum patient to nurse ratio.
- What are some examples of sentinel events?
Sentinel events are unanticipated events that lead to a patient’s death as well as psychological injuries. Examples of everyday happening sentinel events are; performing procedures on the wrong patient. As well as unintended retention of a foreign object. Sentinel events commonly occur in hospital settings. Other examples of sentinel events are; fall-related events. Suicidal events are where the patients take their own lives due to psychological reasons. Fire-related events is also an example where the patients die due to fires in the wards. Mostly the fires are usually accidental.
- Describe the impact of poor quality care on the individual, family, community, and the United States
Poor health care has resulted in too many low services. Some of them include medication errors, inappropriate treatment, inadequate clinical practices, insufficient training, and preliminary diagnosis. The low-quality services in terms of health extend to the family, community, and individuals in the USA.
.6. Create a core value statement.
A core value statement involves four steps. The first step is assembling a team. It consists of impacting on the leadership team. It will include considering the culture and type of employee. It will also eliminate views from one person. The second step is brainstorming, which gives a starting point. The third step is condensing and finalizing the work set by the team. It involves sorting the ideas to come up with a concrete answer. It will hence determine the passionate and helpful values. The last step is rolling it out to the team. At the point, the mission and vision statement can be developed with ease. The core value statement is hence initiated, looking into all areas helpful entirely.