Small gathering leading to surge in coronavirus infections
While it is a known fact that large gatherings have significantly contributed to the rising number of coronavirus infections, even small gatherings are also leading to a surge in numbers according to experts.
Based on information available through contact tracing, the US is leading the world in the number of Covid 19 infections and deaths. So far, nearly 180000 people have lost lives due to this pandemic in the US. Many experts working on contact tracing have said that small gatherings are more dangerous than large gatherings as it is not possible to regulate them in any way, and most people do not take enough precautions during family gatherings.
Many businesses opened too soon without many precautions that led to a large number of cases in summer. However, the small functions usually held among close family members and friends are also contributing to the coronavirus infections.
During the early days of the pandemic, most people did not take it seriously and held large gatherings at beaches and bars. This led to a huge spike in the number of cases across the country. While most people taking such risks were young and healthy, the maximum number of infections was seen in middle-aged and older adults. It can be easily analyzed that such risky behavior by young people resulted in a lot of cases as they did not show any symptoms and passed on the virus to elderly members in the community.
As Labor Day weekend is fast approaching, public health experts are expressing their concern in this regard. Most people believe that large gatherings are dangerous, and they are usually safe when it comes to family gatherings in small numbers. However, medical experts suggest that this can also lead to a huge surge in cases.
When it comes to putting a number on what can be called a small gathering, there is no specific rule. Even a gathering of 10-15 people for a small family event behind closed doors may be enough to trigger the cases. This has been revealed through contact tracing, where it was found that nearly 44% of positive cases were through family gatherings. About 23% of people had attended a house party recently before getting infected.
Even wedding events are not safe when they are held in outdoor areas. Recently a 100 guest event in San Francisco came under radar when nearly ten people got infected, including the bride and groom.
Office parties, graduation parties, and other small family events have triggered the cases in many places. In Alabama, a lake house party held with 11 members all belonging to a family initiated as many as 8 cases. Similar cases are seen across the country during different events.
Experts working on a contact tracing program say that small gatherings are a bigger concern than the large gatherings as there are plenty of them, and it is nearly impossible to prevent a small family gathering. When it comes to large gatherings in public places, the authorities can impose restrictions and control the infections. However, when it comes to small family gatherings, it is not possible to stop them in any manner.
Experts worry about Labor Day weekend, which is the usual time for families to get together and enjoy NFL games on TV. Most people sit at home during such events in closed spaces, and this can easily trigger many cases soon. Similar things are expected during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, according to experts.
However, it may be almost impossible to curb such infection as you cannot restrict people from having small gatherings. After analyzing many cases across the country, experts say that gatherings of even ten people had triggered infections in many cases when it was held indoors. In this situation, the holiday season would be interesting for the health experts as they hope that the infection remains steady without any major spike.
Some experts suggest that gatherings should be limited to less than 25 members so that it becomes easy to enquire about the symptoms of each person before the event. Even after taking enough precautions in this manner, family gatherings can still lead to infections as people get close to friends and family members and hug them in excitement. Practicing social distancing is next to impossible at weddings and other family events.
Usually, during weddings and other events, friends and family members get together after a long gap, and they would like to sit together and enjoy some common activities. When it is done indoors, most people watch TV or play some games during such events. At weddings, you can see people hugging each other, which can increase the risk of virus transmission by a huge margin. Most people consume alcohol at such events and do not wear masks after a few drinks. Such risky behavior can lead to virus transmission, and it becomes even more dangerous when such events are held indoors.
Even the CDC and World Health Organization have posted guidelines for such gatherings, and using them can be beneficial for everyone involved in the situation. Apart from using masks, the hosts should also consider the place where the event will be held. Closed-door events can lead to an increased risk of virus transmission, and it is always better to have them outdoors. Even in that case, it is better to restrict alcohol as people tend to lose their inhibitions after a few drinks, and they may not be able to follow social distancing in such cases. Hand sanitizers should be available readily, and people serving food should always wear masks. It is also a good idea to use masks while using the bathroom.
When proper precautions are taken, small events and gatherings can be easily held without any risk. However, it is better to avoid such events as much as possible until a suitable vaccine is in the market. In this regard, many people will have to act responsibly and avoid family gatherings during the holiday season. This can drastically reduce the rate of infection and keep everyone safe during this pandemic.