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How to become a web designer

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How to become a web designer

A web designer is an expert who can design the web after a proper understanding of the clients’ requirements. He can also add some more points to it as per his knowledge to make the site more impressive and better in terms of the information it serves to the visitors. Hence the role of the web developer is much important.

Why Web design is important is evident from the point that it has become a central part of any company’s marketing strategy today. Without a website, companies cannot survive today’s competition. With a well-designed website, the company can reach out to a broad audience and easily convert visitors into customers, advocates, fans, and followers of the product, brand, or service. The need is to understand essential skills, tools, and knowledge that can help you make a long-term, successful career in web designs. The steps are listed as to how to become an efficient web designer.

Learn web design theory:  while learning a new discipline, the first essential thing is to learn the principles related to the foundation of the theory. Strict rules of UX designs are followed by well-designed websites as they have good usability and excellent visual appeal. If the web site posses good UX design, the visitors will like to stay on your website. Basic principles of visual hierarchy and color theory are essential for creating an eye-catching web site. Web designers are important for component while considering Why Web design is important?

Learn to code: without programming language, it is not possible to be a part of the web design industry. Coding provides lots of benefits to the web designer. Various programming includes HTML, and  Javascript is the most demanding programming language. The life of the web designer will become much easier by learning coding skills.

Right Tools: For learning the broad principles, essential tools that includes various aspects of designs:

  • Graphic Design:  The main work of web designers in graphics is image editing, which includes cropping and resizing images to make them more suitable for viewing on the internet.
  • Prototyping: through prototyping, the web designer can easily validate their design decisions within a few minutes.
  • Content Management System: A software is used to create and manage various digital web content. Three leading CMS are WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

Learn basic SEO rules: Web designers must learn to design a website that is friendly not only for users but also for search engine bots. It should make the contents more relevant and target audience. It increases the ranking of the site and search engine.

Test the design on a regular basis: Web design requires analysis and evaluation of the work finished. The site should be accessible to both desktop and mobile. The testing of the website should be done to check whether the pages are getting loaded quickly.

Improving communication skills: Working in a big department or a small design studio, teamwork is important for every web designer. Communication is important tool developers use to communicate with clients and other designers regularly.

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