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Child Obesity

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Nursing research plays a crucial role in nurturing the nursing profession. The field of nursing requires nurses to write a clinical question to articulate various aspects. For the registered nurses to come up with the clinical problem, they have to appreciate the PICOT format. The presence of substantial research enhances the skills and the competency of the nurses in any clinical context. The information obtained from various sources helps nurses to come up with detailed data that helps in recommending safety and efficient, thus solving the healthcare-related problems. If the researchers follow the guidelines set for various tasks, it becomes easy to meet the outlined healthcare guidelines. Multiple sources show that nurses can interpret numerous findings and use evidenced-based research to come up with a collective decision. By adhering to the principles of analysis, it becomes easy for the registered nurses to gain a couple of ideas hence improving their healthcare-related skills. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to show how nursing knowledge is disseminated for professional practice. The article thus encapsulates various parenting strategies employed by the parent whose children have challenges of overweight. The idea is that multiple parents use different techniques, especially when handling their obese children at home. The article selected thus outlines the theme of childhood obesity and the effects of the parenting technique on their children’s overweight. A quantitative study, therefore, will indicate the relationship between childhood obesity and the ineffective parenting techniques used to handle the subject matter.

PICOT question

Obesity and more so, childhood obesity has become one of the most growing disorder in America. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cites that a large number of children in America are yet to realize the dangerous effects of obesity. The idea is that we have multiple harmful impacts arising from the element of overweight. Most of the people have been affected by factors such as diabetes and other dangerous disorders. For the case of children, one can argue that a large number of them are not able to avoid the standard practices leading to the subject of overweight. The worse thing is that children have not realized that overweight can affect their physical and mental health conditions.

On the other hand, we have different challenges these overweight children may undergo. For example, in schools, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cites that a large number of obese children do incur aspects such as bullying and torture by another student. The issue of self-esteem in schools are some of the challenges overweigh children must cope up with all the time. The analogy is that we have a couple of challenges faced by overweight young people in society. Therefore, the question remains why society is failing to deter the element of overweight in children? Also, the problem are the parents failing to help their children to avoid standard practices leading to the issue of overweight? Therefore, this question will be discussed in the entire paper. The findings obtained will help in handling various concepts outlined in the assignment.

According to,,,,,,,,,,,, nurses are required to write a clinical question that will help in handling a specific clinical challenge. Therefore, to control the clinical problem, the element of PICOT is used. PICOT provides a systematic format that allows registered nurses to come up with adequate information on how to handle any clinical problem. The initial “P” shows the population, “I” outlines the intervention necessary to the interest area, “C” shows the comparison intervention, “O” indicates the outcome, and lastly, the “T” means the time needed to achieve a specific result.

Therefore, the research question is;

Do the parental techniques help in handling the children’s body mass index (BMI) for the children of the age (5 to 12) years old.?

P-Obesity. the study includes children with obesity

I-The parental techniques or styles used.

C-Does parental inefficiency causes the issue of childhood obesity?

O-The need to reduce the issue of childhood obesity.

T-3 months. The outcome will be determined for three months.

Thus, the question of this question includes finding the appropriate ways that will reduce the subject of childhood obesity in America. During the analysis, we will be guided by various strategies. For example, we have to ask whether the activity patterns and the parental eating styles impact the weigh of the children.? Besides, we have to ask ourselves whether it is the work of nurses to educate the parents and the patients about the vital information related to the subject of overweight in the family. The clinical question will be useful primarily to families with overweight and also in those programs handling the issue of obesity in society. For example, we have programs such as women, infants, children (WIC). It is one of the prominent programs in America working in Michigan to monitor the health of the people in the society. The idea is that children are believed to be the future of tomorrow, and this means that if no serious actions are taken to control the element of obesity, then the entire society will be in a big mess. Having a well-defined future for fighting this chronic illness will help in helping the children in the country. The parents and all adults have to take the appropriate initiatives to combat the subject of obesity, thus providing a healthy environment in the society. Through this, it will be easy to come up with the aspect of wellbeing hence improved quality of life for the future generation.


The section outlines the databases used, the systematic review and any errors analysis. Some of the database used in this paper includes Cochrane collaboration and the PubMed database. These are the commonly used databases in the field of healthcare. The database helps in getting relevant research articles analyzing healthcare-related articles. On the other hand, the database uses special features that allow nursing students to obtain research articles effectively. The first aspect is that the items found in the databases use a chronological structure. Articles in PubMed adheres to a specific criterion. The idea is that all the sources are arranged systematically. For example, the sources are arranged according to the year of publication. This makes it easy for nursing students to obtain various information outlined in different years. Besides, the sources also have the author’s name. The presence of authors’ names helps one to handle aspects related to in test citation. Most of the referencing formatting procedures use the author’s names for citation purposes. This makes it for the nurses to indicate the exact information quoted from a specific article during the research. Lastly, the databases ensure that items have aspects such as topics, journal names and other core aspects needed when a researcher is publishing any work. This makes it easy to trace the issues of the research hence the easy analysis of the study.

Therefore, considering the subject matter, we used special criteria to obtain the sources from the   Cochrane collaboration and PubMed database. The databases were used to obtain those sources that met the appropriate criteria related to childhood obesity. Therefore, to obtain these articles, we used the keywords. Some of the keywords entered to the databases were; <BMI>, <OBESITY>, <OBESE>, <PARENTS>, <OVERWEIGHT >, <GURADIAN>, <CHILDREN> and <CHILD>.

After entering these keywords, we used an advanced search tool. This helped in narrowing the peer-reviewed articles obtained during the nursing research. A total of 40 peer-reviewed items was collected. The articles followed the criteria, but we decided to narrow them to publication date. Thus, we selected those published from 2015 to 2020. This research then resulted in a total of 10 articles. This shows that the sources were issued for the last five years from now. We then checked each article to ensure they meet the parental effects on childhood overweight. We then left with the four items whose topics systematically articulated on the subject matter of the paper. From the four articles, we then checked their abstracts to ensure they include the targeted concepts out of the four only whose abstracts conformed to the criteria selected. The report thoroughly analyses the crucial concepts related to the research question identified in the paper.

From the criteria used, we noticed some errors. For example, in the exclusion and inclusion process, we have incurred some errors. The idea is that unknowingly we eliminated some of the sources that thoroughly analyzed the theme of the study. Besides, there was bias in selecting the appropriate source for the study. These are some of the errors we may have incurred obliviously.

Evidence-based quantitative article

Summary of the case study

The article includes different concepts analyzing the theme of the paper. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, aimed at describing whether the parents have been using the appropriate parenting techniques with their children with obesity. The article is nursing research since it has adhered to different criteria. First of the source was written by nurses, and the topic used entirely relates to the crucial issue relevant in the field of nursing. The University of Queensland provided the ethical consideration of the source. This allowed the authors to continue analyzing the subject matter.

On the other hand, the source thoroughly analyses the problem of the study. The authors have indicated how obesity and overweight have become a disaster not only in America but also in the entire world. The authors try to reveal that parents play a crucial role when it comes to children’s diet and the issue of activity patterns. Besides, the background information used here is appropriate for this type of topic. Every article used in the literature review section has hammered on the apt content related to the selected subject of the source used in this paper. Therefore, the cross-sectional study reveals the relationship between the theme of childhood obesity with the issue of ineffectiveness when it comes to parenting techniques in society.

The study approach, sample size and population

The sample for the selected source in this paper was 62 participants (families) whose children had the age of five to twelve years old. The authors used various techniques to obtain data related to the central topic of the study. Therefore, to assess the eligibility of the families, the authors decided to use phone calls. The conditions were children should not be in any medication that may interfere with the weight control during the study. On the other hand, parents were mandated to describe the size of the children during the study. This was done by indicating whether the child is obese or not. Also, the children selected were free form any form of disability or any developmental delay experienced to some of the children in society. The researcher came up with various groups (obese group and healthy group) to indicate whether a child is obese or not. The obese weight section included those children whose weight was more than 15kg. The families were then matched based on various aspects such as family type, the issue of age and the concept of sex. This was then followed by nominal measurement, thus helping in matching the families used in the study. All these were done to ensure the researchers match the families with specific variables used in the study such as age, family type and sex. After matching everything, the researchers then went ahead and utilized the interval measurement to collect the appropriate data.  The analysis focused on determining the parenting techniques used together with parenting scale and the lifestyles of the children in the selected families.  According to ………………. interval measurement was one of the apt measures that were suitable for this type of study.

The results of the selected study indicated various concepts related to the chosen theme of the research. The first aspect obtained was that the obese group had the highest body sizes and the highest percentage of the children and parents with fats as compared to the whole section. Most of the parents and children in the healthy groups revealed a BMI that was within the appropriate obese and overweighed range for the average human being. Besides, the children and parents in the obese group were found to have multiple health challenges as compared to the healthy group. This was evident in how the obese section reported having been experiencing aspects such as behaviour challenges, the peer problems in society and the idea of lifestyle behaviour constraints in society.

The study concluded that obese parents had ineffective parenting styles. This paves the way for the increased number of obese children in the families selected. On the other hand, it was observed that obese parents were oblivious to the appropriate measures to promote healthy BMI. The parents lack knowledge of the dangerous effects of overweight in their children. Therefore, knowledge of obesity plays a crucial role in society. According to the article, nurses have to utilize an understanding of overweight every time.  This can be done by ensuring that each nurse educates patients on the theme of childhood obesity every time. The information, therefore, can change the standard practices leading to obesity in the entire family in society.

Application of the evidence found.

Based on the concepts shared by the study, a nurse tends to learn critical aspects from the subject of the study. The idea is that the source indicates how education is a fundamental element in the field of nursing. Teaching helps in enlighten a patient on critical aspects that may enhance the quality of life all the time. The study indicates that it is vital for nurses to educate the parent on the appropriate measures that will aid in controlling the subject of overweight in the family.

On the other hand, as a nurse, I tend to learn how nursing research is essential for professional growth. Nursing research reminds nurses of the issue of evidence-based research. This is a crucial tool that tells nurses on how to come up with intelligent decisions to handle a specific problem in any clinical setting. For example, America has a set standard that must be satisfied by all nurses when it comes to evidence-based research. According to the American Nurses Association, it is the mandate of nurses to ensure they come up with well-outlined information that helps in promoting the idea of wellbeing in society.

Also, we all learn about the impacts of diabetes in children. ,,,,,,,,,,, shows that children are the future generation, and therefore, there is a need to observe the strategies that will reduce the issue of overweight. According to,,,,,,,,,,,,,, some parents are yet to realize why high BMI than normal range is dangerous in our body. This shows that it is time for multiple families in America and other societies to refrain from typical lifestyles and practices catalyzing some of the chronic disorders such as diabetes, among others. The idea is that it is an appropriate time for the society to appreciate aspects such as balanced diets and regular exercise that works in reducing the element of overweight in children. Nurses, therefore, have been encouraged to advise patients on the suitable strategies that aid in controlling overweight.

Evaluating the outcomes (validity and reliability of study)

There are different supporting the reliability and validity of the selected study. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, shows that validity and reliability are the essential tools that determine the quality of the research work. Considering the study, the authors have thoroughly answered the identified research question. The aim of the research conforms to the criteria used in the whole study. The background information used by the authors to support the research question has adequate knowledge. Each article used to support primary research is clear, and it entirely helps the subject of obesity in childhood.

On the other hand, the source used a well-outlined methodology to collect the data. The cross-sectional study used the best methods to measure the variables in the research topic. Moreover, the study significantly outlines the importance of using appropriate parenting styles to control some of the chronic illnesses in children, such as obese. Lastly, the source indicates the importance of appreciating the element of evidence-based research in the field of nursing. The source concludes by showing the need for parents with obese to change their parenting techniques. Through this analogy, the article helps to offer the fundamental knowledge that will help in addressing weight challenges in families and not all the children alone.

The bias of the study

The source selected in the study is biased. The idea is that the authors thoroughly analyze how parents with obesity fail to provide appropriate measures to prevent the spread of the disorder to their children. On the other hand, the relationship between the critical variables in this study is biased. The authors fail to show the appropriate methods that will help the obese parents to fight the disorder. On the other hand, no information on how to fight the physical and emotional challenges faced by children with obesity in society.

Level of evidence identified.

According to,,,,,,,, there are various levels of evidence in the field of nursing. The primary role of the standard of proof is to enhance the use of evidence-based practice when it comes to the nursing role in society. The use of evidenced-based research ensures the growth and development of the profession of nursing. Concerning this study, we used the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) model. The aim was to come up with a common strategy to explain the level of evidence in the study. Thus, the article qualified to have level I evidence. We used the model to identify how the authors used level 1 evidence to support the research. This level of evidence was searched for, especially when handling the inclusion and exclusion analysis in obtaining the source from the databases. The level 1 evidence obtained from the selected source helps the nurses and patients to appreciate the element of quality and safety in everyday nursing roles and practices.


Therefore, to sum up, the PICOT format plays an important when it comes to analyzing healthcare-related research. The whole process indicates the systematic procedure incurred when one is using healthcare-related databases. The inclusion and exclusion process culminates in a method of determining the appropriate source necessary for answering the research question. The selected source ultimately includes the identified subject matter. According to the source, childhood obesity is currently a global issue. Most of the parental techniques and styles used by different families fail to meet the measures needed in reducing the illness.  Besides, the source adhered to all the selected criteria hence helping in handling the PICO chosen question.





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