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Playful parenting

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Playful parenting

Research has it that parents who practice playful parenting have an easier time with their children. The same study also found that children who play with their parents have a significantly healthier and stronger bond compared to those who don’t. Being a parent comes with many responsibilities, and playful parenting is one of them.

For any normal child, play comes naturally. Yet, for us, it is the last thing that comes in our minds after a busy day, stress, and unending house chores. We end up fixing playtime during weekends when we have had enough rest. Playing is a critical part of child development, and the more they play, the more they explore, develop good habits, and interact well with other children and people.

So how do you practice playful parenting and build a strong relationship with your child? Here are a few tips to help you out.

Put it in your schedule.

Good parenting means creating time to spend with your child. No matter how busy your schedule may be, it is always critical to include your child in there. If you feel you might forget or get distracted, set aside some time for playing with your child. You can even inform your child about it; they will always remind you and look forward to it. That way, you won’t have to worry about missing these essential sessions. To make things even better, allow your child to make a list of the games they would like you to play with them. Soon enough, your child’s joy to play with you will invite you to join them.

Start your day with some play

We all have the morning routines that we strictly stick to, but have you ever thought how your day would go if you start by engaging in some playtime with your child? Many young children are early risers. So, you may not need to really worry about waking them up. Some quick pillow games and running across the rooms can be a great way to start your day. If it’s summer, you can take your games to the garden and play in the grass before heading inside for bathing and off to work. This strategy works best where there whiny and clingy kids who cry when their parents leave for work.

allow yourself to look and sound silly

Part of playful parenting involves being creative, so don’t be a boring playmate. Get silly and, for once, pretend to be a child. Play games that involve you being the baby and your child being the parent. Making childish noises and goofing up and getting your child entertained. Remember, playing parenting doesn’t have to involve you ordering the child around. Allow your child to be the boss and follow their commands. ACt how they want you to act and talk like them. Make silly faces and funny movements. If you haven’t been doing this for some time, it may not come out as natural, but with time, you will perfect your craft. This kind of play engages your child fully in the game, and they have more fun laughing at you.

Make boring jobs fun.

Work is not always fun, and sometimes we have really bad days. Your child also has bad days, and he or she may not like clearing and putting away their toys after play. Try combining things. Instead of sulking on a day gone bad, why don’t you use that time to make your child happy? You can play together and help them put away the toys. If you assign tasks, make them as enjoyable as possible. You can achieve this by helping out, creating a game, or rewarding. You can also crack jokes to make your child laugh. You will be surprised how cooperative they become after that laughter. This can create some great bonding time.

Be dramatic

Lastly, use puppets to engage your child. You can use different toys to experiment this. Get all dramatic and develop other characters that will leave your child falling down with laughter. If you are the father, try wearing a wig and put on some rough makeup. If you can imitate their favorite cartoon characters, that would be great.

See, playful parenting is not that difficult. In fact you end up having a great time with your kid. Always look for those opportunities that create a lively connection. Whatever it is, don’t let your child get bored, trust them with us. At Alpharetta campus, we are all about loving and caring for your child. Feel free to call us via 770) 889-0788 today.


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