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Sales Presentation Approach

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Sales Presentation Approach

The most important concept

A prospect’s reaction to the salesperson in the early moments of the sales presentation is crucial to ensuring mutually benefiting sales. These few minutes are so significant that they are treated as milestone steps in sales. It is common for a salesperson to feel stressed on the course of the sales presentation. However, successful sales presentation personnel have learned a concentration and relaxation technique referred to as the creative imaginary. Creative imagery helps a salesperson to cope well with fear or tension experienced. A salesperson needs to understand that anything can happen, and thus they have to prepare for the worst. For this reason, one has to prepare and plan how well to react to the questions posed by the prospective buyer. Additionally, a seller has to envision the best that can occur during the presentation (Futurell et al., 2012).

Further, the contingency plan should be mentally prepared in case the planned sales are abandoned. The critical question that the sales representative should ask themselves is, ‘what if things go wrong?’ however, this chance is less probable to happen – there is a one percent chance that things can go wrong. Careful planning is essential to ensure the sales presentation takes place as planned.

The first impression is significantly essential in the sales presentation. The first impression is what referred to as the intuition or gut instinct. Mostly, the first impression is known as ‘thin-slice judgment’ in psychology. This means that our judgments or decisions about something or someone happen automatically. Psychological studies show that sometimes we are unconscious of our actions. We process information so quickly that we cannot comprehend our think procession. Since prospective buyers make automated decisions about the salespersons. The first minutes of the sales presentation is critically important (Futurell et al., 2012). For instance, during these first seconds, a buyer may be judging the trustworthiness of the seller. Thus, a seller must be self-aware of one’s verbal and nonverbal communication, one’s interaction style, and one’s mannerisms. A salesperson should ensure that the customer positively perceives them. A salesperson’s first impression is based on several elements: your communication, your appearance, your interactive style, and mannerism. Your prospective buyer will most likely listen to you if they are satisfied with your impressions.

Ways of making an effective first impression:

  • Be positive and enthusiastic throughout the sales presentation.
  • Maintaining eye contact is critical to capture the buyer’s attention.
  • Have confidence and smiling face
  • Refrain from drinking or chewing gum when in your prospective buyer’s office

Reasons for using questions during the sales presentation:

Using questions during the sales presentation is vital for maintaining complete control of the sales process. It also helps the buyer to verbalize their needs and concerns effectively – they better understand what they need (Futurell et al., 2012). Additionally, questions allow the prospect to make informed decisions, which allows the salesperson to assist them accordingly.

Rules for questioning that the salesperson should follow

A salesperson should not ask questions about unnecessary information. Conducting thorough research is highly recommendable to avoid asking questions about the readily available information. For instance, you should not ask the buyer about the challenges they are facing. It is your responsibility to conduct a background check on the prospect (Futurell et al., 2012). It will help if you ask resonating questions that have a significant impact on the buyer. A salesperson should have definite ‘go-to’ questions purposely aimed to get the conversation.

















Futurell, C., & Valvasori, M. (2012). ABC’s of Relationship Selling through service. 5th Canadian edition.


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