A homecare profession
The most exciting moments in my practical homecare career were when I experienced excitement while handling different individuals. At one point, while administering activities of daily living, I noticed that my elderly patient, who was an ex-military officer, had cut on his leg and had tied a bandage around it. As his caregiver, I wanted to examine the wound and do a simple dressing that would reduce bacterial infections around it. The patient declined my offer and insisted that he had done it correctly. “In the military we were taught how to handle wounds through first aid, I can only allow a medical practitioner like a nurse to disband it.” after persuading him for long, I surrendered and called my nurse friend who did the old man a new wound dressing.
Since that day, I have developed the enthusiasm to venture into a nursing career and acquire more knowledge about handling patients. From my homecare experience, I learned that not all clients are ready to comply with non-medical aids. Therefore, taking a nursing course is an essential boost to my primary and general knowledge about dynamic patients and domiciliary individuals. While I practiced my homecare career, I got into a reflection concerning how nurses handle patients, relating to different scenarios of rigid clients. They often want issues dealt with their way. I realized that I have a problem to differentiate when performing duties and showing empathy to different conditions. Therefore, I got a challenge to study nursing to be in a position of putting health as a priority in a cautious manner.
My eight years’ experience as a homecare profession has groomed me to be loving and caring; thus, I admire working as a certified nurse to exercise nursing with all virtues I have acquired as a caregiver. My above background explains my passion for joining a nursing program at the University of Georgia to be part of the institution’s competent graduates.