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three levels of prevention

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three levels of prevention

There are three levels of prevention. The first level is at the primary level. In this level, the disease is prevented before it occurs. Some of the common methods in the primary level include immunization. The aim is to safeguard the patient from contracting the disease. The next level is at the secondary level. In this level, the main aim is trying to detect the disease and preventing it from getting worse. At this level, the patients start to have some symptoms, and he or she visits a doctor who can examine him and determine whether he is suffering from a particular disease. The last level is the tertiary level is the level in which the doctors or nurses try to improve the quality of life of a patient after the disease has been detected, and the patient is given some drugs. The main aim of this level is to try and reduce the overall symptoms.

Their many reasons or circumstances that can push a particular level to be used. For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic. It would be better to prevent people from contracting the disease before it occurs. This is by using the vaccine. So this would be the first level of prevention. In case a patient contracts the COVID-19, then the secondary level would be used, and that is detecting it, and the disease is prevented from getting worse. Lastly, tertiary would be applied to improve the quality of life of the patient as he or she recovers. Since COVID-19 is contagious and the patient needs proper care if his or her situation is worse. The nursing shortage is a major issue in the US since the population is rising. This means the quality of healthcare would deteriorate.

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