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Maria beliefs that living a long life make her fulfill all her life dreams. The nature of human beings is complex. Our desires vary with seasons. She used the Ronald Dworkin philosophy, where life interests are divided into experiential and critical. With the first category, individuals tend to do things that they enjoy to satisfy their desires. Exploring varied menus and sharing the recipes to her family members brings joy to her; thus, it is an experiential need. She explains that her husband refers to her as the best cook, and watching him enjoy the meal encourages her to seek better cooking methods. The other interest group is essential to what life constitutes. Philosopher Bernard Williams further explains that critical interests pull meaning into our lives (Graham, 2020). For Maria taking care of her grandchildren and watching her children thrive are her vital interests. Her life evolves within the cycle of her family members.

For the second question, the participant took a sage approach. She started by explaining that there is the government definition of too old and her description. According to the government, 65 years is old. Since the retirement age is set between 65-67. With the government’s perspective, people past that age can be described as too old, as Maria told.

On the contrary, she believes that there is nothing like being too old. Instead, people should be judged as per their logical thinking capacity. Moreover, older people make the best leaders due to their experience. The belief that someone is too hinders the world from choosing the best leaders in the organization. From her view, too old is a façade that needs to be eliminated from society.

The third question was asking about the opinion of the status and treatment of older adults. According to Maria, it varies according to the economic situation of a person. With her, accessing health care has not been an issue due to the insurance covers. Nevertheless, her worries become people from low backgrounds who face health disparity related issues. An individual health status deteriorates with age. Chronic diseases such as Diabetes mellitus, emphysema, Stroke, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, and cardio vascular related illness are shared among the older generation.

Furthermore, there is a higher falling probability that might lead to injuries is directly proportional to age. Maria’s claim was similar to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention research. There are treated illnesses related to falls in the USA emergency department every 13 seconds, and every 20 minutes, a life is claimed(2015). Moreover, according to a 2012 study, 60% of the older generation manage more than one chronic condition with age being a risk factor (Healthy people, 2020). Despite the established statistics, specialized and non-specialized caregivers continue to be underpaid in the country.

The Beliefs about illness and health was the fourth question. Maria seemed to have an emotional attachment from the problem, which could be easily seen in her body language. She believes that health status is a critical well-being indicator and predicts the societal health expenditures. Moreover, factors such as nutritious food, safe housing, affordable and reliable transportation facilities, and the health of the older generation are maintained. Status alleviates the mental illnesses among them, but love and care from family members reduce the chances of occurrence.  Her research was similar to Srinivasan & Pooler’s study (2018).

The fifth question tried to understand Maria’s engagement in health promotion activities. Maria is aware that health maintenance at her age requires investment. She engages in activities that will help her prevent the occurrence or alleviation of existing medical conditions. Maria has a personal gym Trainor who helps her in doing exercises tailored to her health conditions and has formed a support group that keeps each other on the check. The exercise sessions are designed that she engages in the program five days a week. With the program, flexibility, cardiovascular, and muscular fitness are balanced. However, she notes that despite the plan is sufficient, the vigorousness reduces with age. There is a schedule designed by a health professional from the health group according to each member’s needs and economic status. They hold weekly meetings that monitor progress and ensures that everyone adheres to the plan. With the support group, Maria has learned numerous diet lessons. Despite her cooking passion, she ensures that the food ingredients used do not pose a health risk to her and the husband. She has invested in natural spices to avoid modern, which can trigger her health conditions.

The question of something unique that helped Maria live so long made him engage in a reflection process. She describes her young age as fulfilled but cautiously lived. Her lifestyle approach was catered for the future. She did not engage in excessive alcohol consumption, maintained good hygiene, and invested in her family’s health care. The investment made it easier for her to access quality medical care; therefore, conditions such as diabetes Miletus and high-blood pressure were identified at their onset. Maria’s lifestyle claims to be the particular factor is similar to the Disabled world perspective (2019).

The morbidity and mortality rate at Maria’s family are low. The eldest family member (her mother) is 97 years. The family places a value on a quality lifestyle, and there is an established robust support system. Their culture allows them to live as an extended family. Nevertheless, Maria’s claims are not the only factors for prolonged lifespan but also genes. According to Gebhardt and Shuman’s research, genes can increase disease resistance, thus increases longevity (2017). Maria’s family is seen to fall into this category.

The question of unique dietary tradition in Maria’s life attributed to prolonged life seemed to be easy to tackle. The ease of the problem was due to the investment made by the family in an attempt to ensure that they eat healthily. Maria does not take food with high-fat contents, and vegetables and fruits must be incorporated daily. She explains that her mother taught her fruits and vegetables are natural medicines that prevent numerous diseases. All of her siblings have followed the rule and passed it onto their family members, which has made them have a higher lifespan. Her claim was justified by the Alice Park article (2020).

There was a positive response from the generational illness remedy question. Maria’s family uses traditional methods to treat coughs. They use lemon and ginger to treat diseases. Their remedy has been supported by Dr. Hamee’s research (2015).

Maria’s health condition was stable in her early years’ common illness such as coughs, general body weakness, head and stomach aches used to affect her. Nevertheless, in her fifth decade, her health started deteriorating, and that when she discovered that she had diabetes mellitus, the issue scared her, which led to high blood pressure.

The participant used one sentence to answer the values that guided her life question. Being cautious about hygiene and diet, loving, and caring are the fundamental values that have guided Maria’s life.

Maria seemed to face minimum health difficulties from her response to the health-related challenges question. She described her health condition as stable since she keenly follows the chronic disease prescription rules. However, the rare attacks that she experiences when exposed to hostile environments are her most significant challenges.

The second last question was asking about accidents related to falling. The question’s intention was to address the connection between the older generation and falling. Maria explains that her muscle strength has been reducing with time; thus, she has fallen several times.

The final question was whether the patient experienced age-related illness. Maria was eyesight required glasses for support. At sixty years, Maria got the glasses to promote her sight and reading ability due to reduced vision.





Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Injury Control and Prevention [Internet]. Take a stand on falls. Atlanta: CDC; 2015 .

Disabled World. (2019). Longevity: Extending Life Span Expectancy. (,factors%2C%20genetics%20and%20lifestyle%20choices

Dr.  Hameed, T. (2015). ELIXIR OF CARDIUM. Research Gate.

Gebhardt, M. J., & Shuman, H. A. (2017). GigA and GigB are master regulators of antibiotic resistance, stress responses, and virulence in Acinetobacter baumannii. Journal of bacteriology199(10).

Graham, M. (2020). Philosophy on living a long life in the USA – Google search. Google

Healthy people. (2020). Older adults | Healthy people 2020. Healthy People 2030 |

Park, A. (2020, January 8). Scientists calculated how much longer you can live with a healthy lifestyle. Time.,plants%20and%20low%20in%20fats

Srinivasan, M., & Pooler, J. A. (2018). Cost-related medication nonadherence for older adults participating in SNAP, 2013–2015. American Journal of Public Health108(2), 224-230.


Patient Questionnaire




Name: Maria Jones

Age:               66

Brief Introduction (Background information):

Older adult’s well-being has become an issue of concern in the past years (Healthy people, 2020). The essay is a discussion of a patient’s questionnaire response. The chosen patient was an extended family member. She is 66 years old and a retired nurse who has established a support group to help the aging people’s health care.

  1. Philosophy on living a long life

I believe that living in life will make me fulfill all my life dreams. The nature of human beings is complex. Our desires vary with seasons. Using Ronald Dworkin’s philosophy, where life interests are divided into experiential and critical. With the first category, individuals tend to do things that they enjoy to satisfy their desires. Exploring varied menus and sharing the recipes to my family members brings joy to me; thus, it is an experiential need. Furthermore, my husband refers to me as the best cook and watching him enjoy the meal encourages me to seek better cooking methods. The other interest group is essential to what life constitutes.

  1. Thoughts about when a person is considered “too old.”

I will tackle this question using the government’s definition and mine. According to the government, 65 years is old. Since the retirement age is set between 65-67. From the government’s perspective, people past that age can be described as too old, as Maria told. On the contrary, I believe that there is nothing like being too old. Instead, people should be judged as per their logical thinking capacity.

Furthermore, elderly people make the best leaders due to their experience. The belief that someone is too hinders the world from choosing the best leaders in the organization. In my view, too old is a façade that needs to be eliminated from society.


  1. Opinion on the status and treatment of older adults

The health status varies according to the economic situation of a person. With me accessing health care has not been an issue due to the insurance covers. Nevertheless, my worries become people from low backgrounds who face health disparity related issues. An individual health status deteriorates with age. Chronic diseases such as Diabetes mellitus, emphysema, Stroke, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, and cardio vascular related illness are shared among the older generation. Furthermore, there is a higher falling probability that might lead to injuries is directly proportional to age

  1. Beliefs about health and illness

The question arises numerous emotions in me, therefore allow me to use my hands while speaking. I believe that health status is a critical well-being indicator and predicts the societal health expenditures. Moreover, factors such as nutritious food, safe housing, affordable and reliable transportation facilities health maintained of the older generation health status. Status alleviates the mental illnesses among them, but love and care from family members reduce the occurrence chances.

  1. Health promotion activities he or she participates in

I am aware of that health maintenance at my age requires investment. I engage in activities that will help me prevent the occurrence or alleviation of existing medical conditions. I have a personal gym Trainor who helps me in doing exercises tailored to my health conditions. I have formed a support group in which they keep each other on the check. The exercise sessions are designed that I engage in the program five days a week. With the program, flexibility, cardiovascular, and muscular fitness are balanced. However, being vigorous has reduced with age. From the health group, there is a schedule designed by a health professional according to each member’s needs and economic status. We hold weekly meetings that monitor progress and ensures that everyone adheres to the plan. With the support group, I have learned numerous diet lessons. Although cooking is my passion, I confirm that the food ingredients used do not pose a health risk to my marriage. I have invested in natural spices to avoid modern, which can trigger her health conditions.

  1. Something special that helped the person live so long

The question makes me remember the good old days. My young age was fulfilled but cautiously lived. My lifestyle approach was catered for the future. I did not engage in excessive alcohol consumption, maintained good hygiene, and invested in my family’s health care. The investment made it easier for me to access quality medical care; therefore, conditions such as diabetes Miletus and high-blood pressure were identified at their onset.

  1. Life span of other family members

The morbidity and mortality rates in my family are low. My mother is the eldest family member at 97 years. My family places a value on a quality lifestyle. There is an established healthy support system supported by my culture that allows us to live as an extended family.


  1. Special dietary traditions in patient’s culture attributed to aiding long life

The investment made by the family in an attempt to ensure that we eat healthily makes me answer this question quickly. I do not take food with high-fat contents, and vegetables and fruits must be incorporated in the daily meals. My mother taught her fruits and vegetables are natural medicines that prevent numerous diseases. All of my siblings have followed the rule and passed it onto our family members who have made us have a higher lifespan

  1. Any remedies/medications that have been handed down in family/group. If yes, describe.

Yes, lemon and ginger for coughs.

  1. Patient’s description of current and past health status

In my early year’s common illnesses such as coughs, general body weakness, head, and stomach aches used to affect me. Nevertheless, during my fifth decade, her health started deteriorating and that when I discovered that I  had diabetes mellitus the issue scared me  which led to high blood pressure

  1. The values that guided life so far

My recommended life values are; maintaining good hygiene and diet, and becoming love and caring to all community members

Additional Questions

  1. Biggest health challenge.

My health condition is stable since I ensure that I follow the doctor’s instructions. Nevertheless, when exposed to violent environments, I experience mild-attacks of the existing health illness conditions

  1. Any accident-related to falling occurrences

Yes, but it has happened on several occasions

  1. Experience of age-related issues.

My vision started to become blurred in 2014 when I was 60 years, I acquired spectacles that have helped me improve my vision and aids in reading.



Maria’s response was a reliable source of study information since most of her responses were supported by other studies. Her will to answer the question increased the probability of acquiring honest opinions. The questionnaire designed on both the psychosocial and functional assessment made it easier to cover most of the age-related issues that could improve the health care of the aged in the country

The contrast of the client’s responses with findings in the current literature

Maria’s emphasis on quality lifestyle is the only reason for the family’s high mortality and morbidity rate.

According to Gebhardt and Shuman’s research, genes can increase disease resistance, thus increases longevity (2017). Maria’s family is seen to fall into this category.











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