Selected Article: Factors that Influence Student Behavior in Secondary Schools.
The adolescence period is a critical transition phase where high school students manifest identity crisis, affecting their attitude towards people and circumstances. This phase is mostly characterized by naughty behaviors and rebellion towards educators, the principal, and other school mates in school. These are shown through late coming, bullying, love affairs, drug and alcohol abuse, and assault on school prefects (Jinot, 2017). However, the sudden change of behavior during this period is attributed to the students’ immediate environment, which includes the school, peer groups, the family, media, and the community.
A school’s characteristics determine how students interact with others. Certain school features encourage students to misbehave, including harsh discipline measures, student alienation, overcrowded classrooms, inadequate supervision, ineffective leadership, lack of extracurricular activities and sports, and lack of care from friends and teachers. Also, students are susceptible to peer group pressure as this influences their values, knowns, eats, wears, and learns (Jinot, 2017). This makes students develop socially unacceptable behaviors. Moreover, some family characteristics such as divorce, dangerous weapons, and drugs at home, fight among parents, and lack of parental involvement in school activities, negatively affect students’ behavior. Poor community structure and activities, together with the media, also contribute to the development of negative characteristics among high school students.
Personal Response.
I concur with the article that the social environment, to a large extent, influences students’ behavior during the adolescent stage. Students spend most of their time in school, with family and community. It is, therefore, obvious that their behaviors will emulate whatever happens in these places. Moreover, the identity crisis associated with this stage pushes students to associate with other peers hence change behavior to please them (Havik, Bru, & Ertesvåg, (2015). Currently, social media is the primary influencer of students’ behavior. Students gain access to violent and unethical activities through social media platforms, which eventually affect their behavior. However, I think it is not fair to associate these social factors with only destructive behaviors since these factors can equally help in imparting ethical behavior among adolescent students.
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Jinot, B. L. (2017). Factors That Influence Student Behavior in Secondary Schools. European Journal of Education and Development Psychology. Vol.5 (5), pp. 27-36.
Havik, T., Bru, E., & Ertesvåg, S. K. (2015). School factors associated with school refusal-and truancy-related reasons for school non-attendance. Social Psychology of Education, 18(2), 221-240. DOI: