Human beings are social beings, and upon their daily interaction, there is a probability of meeting a new person. The process on which the unique individual’s information is processed and interpreted by the mind can be referred to as a first impression (Gilron & Gutchess, 2012). According to various research, the brain engages in less than one second (Okten, 2018). The impression formation is environmental and personal dependent. It varies according to the respondent’s beliefs and unique traits. However, factors used to conclude both the verbal and non-verbal are almost similar across people of varied geographical locations (Cirino, 2020). With the oral characteristics, someone can be judged whether they are extroverted or introverted. Nevertheless, that judgment can be misleading since people tend to talk depending on the target end product and conversation comprehension.
At the same time, some use non-verbal cues to form the other parties’ first impressions. With non-verbal factors, personality traits are the significant factors judged (Gilron & Gutchess, 2012). There is a belief that first impressions cannot be undone. However, physiologists have developed measures that can modify it. Although the approach can take, it eventually yields fruits (Okten, 2018). The process is developed since sometimes people make mistakes in their first meetings. On the contrary, some get misjudged for simple miscalculated moves at first sight. Finally, some get judged upon someone’s stereotypes or experience. The article will focus on non-verbal cues as first impression factors and modify a spoilt first impression.
Facial expression can show whether someone is expressive. They are portrayed by looking at the eyebrows shape, mouth position, posture, body orientation, and voice (Cirino, 2020). Emotions such as happiness and joy can be easily expressed through the variance of the eyebrow position and intonation. People with upright postures are considered to be confident. Simultaneously, individuals who are always smiling are perceived as kind, whereas those with almost perfect body orientation are attractive (Glikson et al.,2018). People that experience contrary expressions are usually considered as mean, not appealing, and rude. During the process, misinterpretation might occur since sometimes people’s feelings depend on the life circumstance.
There exists an outward view of the First Impression. The exterior aspect in terms of body orientation and dressing (Okten, 2018). Research has proven that people, at times, tend to be addressed by how they dress. While going for professional meetings, dressing in shorts and t-shirts might lead to a joker impression. However, someone who has worn fitting official clothing might be considered as serious and ready to work. The interviewee’s judgment or the individuals to clients are carried even before they present their ideas (Cirino, 2020). Although such determination might lead to misleading conclusions since someone’s dressing does not impact their reasoning (Rowh, 2020). The First Impression makes people always presentable when carrying out various activities since they do not know the individual they will meet and make a first impression.
The first impression is a social cognitive process. Thus, once the wrong image of a person is formed, they might experience stigmatization and exclusion. Others will fear some people based on the first non-verbal characteristics that they show. However, people have the opportunity of changing the initial impression process depending on time. The possibilities might be rare, but once they prevail, there are ways to change a wrong first impression on their environment. Allowing people to reinterpret the reasons behind someone’s behavior when they saw them first can change the perception (Lebowitz, 2014). During the explanation process, the non-verbal cues are put into contexts. The person understands that maybe that person had no smile that day, not because they are mean but were having a bad day (Cirino, 2020). Another tactic can be explaining stereotypes associated with particular body language. For example, not all expressive people are extroverts, and at times such people have communication problems.
Being indispensable can make people judge someone’s behavior rather than first impressions (Lebowitz, 2014). The process allows someone to identify opportunities that will make them fight the wrong instinct. Nevertheless, it should be done with caution to avoid looking desperate and clingy. Having a trusted source that will regenerate someone’s story can be vital for modifying the first impression. Research has proven that there is power in word to word mouth information from a trusted source. However, someone should not seem with hidden agendas while establishing a new impression.
In conclusion, the First Impression is a social cognitive process that can be modified. Non-verbal communication plays a huge role in the approach. People should always caution their dressing mode and body language since it provides initial information about their personality. When interacting with people, it is essential to avoid stereotypes since it can lead to misjudgment. Trusted sources, being indispensable, and placing the first presentation into context are measured to fix spoilt first impressions.
Cirino, E. (2020). First impressions: Factors, examples, speed, accuracy, and more. Healthline.
Gilron, R., & Gutchess, A. H. (2012). Remembering first impressions: Effects of intentionality and diagnosticity on subsequent memory. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 12(1), 85-98.
Glikson, E., Cheshin, A., & Kleef, G. A. V. (2018). The dark side of a smiley: Effects of smiling emoticons on virtual first impressions. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(5), 614-625.
Lebowitz, S. (2014, April 10). Can you change the first impression? Envisia’s Leadership Development Blog.
Okten, I. (2018). Studying first impressions: What to consider? Association for Psychological Science – APS.
Rowh, M. (2020). First impressions count.