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Management Philosophy

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Management Philosophy

According to Daft (2012), good management entails time management and practical communication skills. Petkovski (2012), in a survey, conducted to find out the leadership skills managers must possess, found out that managers must have strong communication skills, confidence, and the ability to set goals and monitor the progress of various operations within an organization.

According to  Petkovski (2012), for a manager to lead a team of people working in an organization, a manager must be able to nurture strong interpersonal relationships. Daft (2012) points out that managers perform different roles within an organization, including informational, interpersonal, and decisional functions. Managers play crucial roles in motivating members of the team. Unlike the classical management perspective that emphasized the things of production, the human perspective emphasizes the role of managers in creating a balance between the things of production and meeting the motivational needs of employees.  Further, he acknowledges the role of managers in coordinating the operations of an organization at different levels.

There has been an evolution in management. Daft (2012) and Silverman (2017) shed light on understanding the various theories of management. According to Silverman (2017), managers in theory Y, the managers have the perspective that employees draw their motivation from within. Theory Y managers value the employees and assume that employees are internally motivated; therefore, they do not require direct or close supervision. On the contrary, managers applying theory X believe that employees are less ambitious and require being supervised and controlled (Daft, 2012). My personal management mission statement is ‘To use my leadership role to nurture creative minds in innovative thinking, enabling people to innovate sustainable solutions to challenges facing businesses today.” From experience, working as a manager requires a high level of commitment to the role; however, this has to be coupled with the ability to delegate since handling all tasks by yourself may be cumbersome and exhaustive.



















Daft, R. L. (2012). Management. Cengage Learning.

Petkovski, K. (2012). Required Skills and Leadership Characteristics of a Modern Manager in Tourism and Hospitality. UTMS Journal of Economics, 3(1), 91-96.

Understanding and Application of Theory X And Y – S. Silverman, Books & Blog Writer. (2020). Retrieved 29 August 2020, from


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