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Few examples that will elucidate the concept of Native Advertising and how to use it correctly

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Few examples that will elucidate the concept of Native Advertising and how to use it correctly


The native advertising or paid content or advertisement in a newspaper, web portal, or magazines that support the editorial or article’s style and pattern are what native advertising is all about. In a nutshell, native advertising is a term used for the paid content that supports any individual, organization, community, or brand, and it appears like a news article and editorial.


Three aspects of Native Advertising


Paid content

These are solely paid content that promotes an organization, brand, or individual in the news. For example, most of the information related to celebs come in the category of native advertising.


Information based

However, they are paid content and got published for the promotion, but they still convey some useful information, viewers or readers’ interest, and match any cause, incident, or event.


Support news rhythm  

As we have said, native advertising-based content or advertorial doesn’t disrupt the rhythm of news or any writing. On the contrary, adapt to the communication environment, be it in any form like video content, an article, or digital content, or an advertorial.


You can understand a native advertisement as a way to make your brand or service recognized among the audiences with high-quality content in the form of news.


What are the types and forms? 

Native advertising is modified in numerous forms, but it mostly appears in the form of content marketing.


In-Feed Ads

Native advertising can appear in news feeds or social media sites in the form of in-feed ads. They seem like an organic post or related items in mid of your news feed. A sponsored post on social platforms is one of the prime examples of native advertising.



Search Ads

They appear on the top of your search results whenever you search for things or products. These precisely recommended search results are used prominently for driving the high responses and lead generation for the site.


Content Recommendation

The content or article recommendation that appears right below the story is also one of the forms of native advertising. They seem like organic stories or news, but they are only native stories.


Paid Blogs  

Many media firms or digital publishing houses write and post native advertising-based blogs for promotional content such as Forbes’ brand voice.


Best Examples of Wonders


As an owner or a publisher, you need to be précise with your target user intentions and preferences; otherwise, it will lead to chaos.


Washington college native ad for high school students

To connect with the high school students, Washington college of the United States, collaborated with Buzzfeed’s media site for the native posts with a theme called ‘You will love this place.’ And after a while, the campaign resulted in a 77 percent increase on their Facebook page and approx.94 percent more traffic on their college home page.


Mercedes’ superhuman campaign

It is yet another prime example of smooth and exciting native advertising. The campaign named ‘The rise of the superhumans’ focused on various technologies and innovations that will make us superhumans. They connected the theme with new technology advancement in a Mercedes car and made the campaign successful.


You can get inspiration from these examples and set a native ad strategy for your business for significant results.



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