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How to Wash Dishes by Hand

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How to Wash Dishes by Hand


Dirty dishes can pile up in your kitchen sink very fast. Handwashing them can thus be a big task, especially when tired or when not in the mood. However, there are simple steps that will take you less time and effort on how to wash dishes by hand.


To wash dishes by hand, scrape off leftover food from the dishes, fill the sink with water, add liquid soap, wash, rinse and dry the utensils.


Steps to achieve clean hand washed utensils.


  1. Put aside the dirty utensils and clean the sink.
  2. Plug the sink drain and fill it halfway with water.
  3. Add some liquid dish soap.
  4. Soak a few utensils at a time in the soapy water. Start with the least dirty such as cups, spoons, and soup bowls and the greasiest dishes and cooking pots last. Soaking helps remove off loose food particles, soften dried ones, and makes the scrubbing easier.
  5. Scrub the utensils and put them aside
  6. Change the water if its dirty and add in an orderly manner, more dirty utensils.
  7. Rinse the scrubbed utensils with running water
  8. Drain and clean the sink
  9. Finally, dry the dishes with a dry cloth.


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