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Strategic Transformational Change: Kotter’s Eight Step Method Response

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Strategic Transformational Change: Kotter’s Eight Step Method Response

In response to Joan’s essay, “Strategic Transformational Change: Kotter’s Eight Step Method,” I agree that John Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model has been very successful across global corporations. The process is essential for creating significant changes in transformational leadership (Brock et al., 2019). It is applicable in strategic responses where knowledge is introduced to sediment the organization’s workforce. In applying Kotter’s Eight-Step process, it is necessary to use the model’s concurrent processes to facilitate the re-creation of change locally among all contributors (Broome & Marshall, 2020). Although Kotter’s Eight-Step process develops an industry-led model for corporate growth, managers must evaluate the organization before applying.

The transformational change model’s suitability might vary from one organization to another depending on crucial elements such as corporate culture. Since the Kotter’s Eight Step of organizational change provides a linear approach, it is vital to integrate it with other models such as the Lewin’s Model or the Grenier’s Change Process Model for significant results (Hughes, 2018). Kotter’s Eight-step model’s significance is evaluated on its performance matrix on current developments and emerging organizational challenges. As organizations adapt to the dynamic business industry, managers need to recognize that change is systematic (Kang et al., 2020). It simultaneously coalesces various elements, such as organizational structure, design, and support systems. These components form the base for transformational change in an organization.

Biblical Integration

Noah’s story of the ark and the process involved while building it forms this response. In Noah’s case, there were processes involved in preparing and constructing the ark (Genesis 7: 1-24). Although the process took one hundred and twenty years before completion, the systematic approach enabled it to overcome the floods and safeguard everyone (Genesis 8: 1-19). The process of transformational change operates similarly. It requires a systematic approach such as Kotter’s Eight Step Method to guarantee successful organizational change and implementation.















Alexander, M., & Kusleika, R. (2018). Access 2019 Bible. Wiley.

Brock, J., Peak, K., & Bunch, P. (2019). Intuitively leading change: Completing a kinesiology department-to-School transformation using Kotter’s 8-Stage change model. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS MANAGEMENT6(2).

Broome, M. E., & Marshall, E. S. (2020). Transformational leadership: Complexity, change, and strategic planning. Transformational Leadership in Nursing

Hughes, M. (2018). Leading organizational change. Managing and Leading Organizational Change, 158-179.

Kang, S. P., Chen, Y., Svihla, V., Gallup, A., Ferris, K., & Datye, A. K. (2020). Guiding change in higher education: An emergent, iterative application of Kotter’s change model. Studies in Higher Education, 1-20.


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