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Signs it is time to replace your HVAC air filter

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Signs it is time to replace your HVAC air filter

The air filter is a device used to remove air-born particles that are harmful to the lungs if inhaled. Such solid particles include dust, mould, fibres, germs, pollens and many more. The air filter can use both chemical and physical processes to clean air to the required breathable level.


HVAC air filters should be changed regularly. How often you change the air filter should be determined by the amount of dust and dirt in your atmosphere. For example, if you live in a smoky place, you should change the filters regularly. Changing air filters improves the air quality of your home. By changing your air filter, you dispose of the germs trapped in the HVAC system. Also, by changing the air filters, you increase energy efficiency. When the HVAC system is clogged, it is forced to work harder, increasing the amount of energy being used. Moreover, changing the air filter extends the life shelf of your HVAC unit. By maintaining the air filter, you cut on the costs of buying the HVAC unit every time.


Sighs That You Need to Change Your Air Filter

You know it is time to change your filter if you get the following signs.

  1. Suppose there is dust trapped near the air vents. If you see that there is more dust in your air vents than the other areas of your house, you should know that the filter is worn out and needs to be changed.
  2. If you have no idea of when you last changed the air filter, you should change the air filters.
  3. If you notice that your electricity bills have spiked up, you should consider checking whether your HVAC system is overworking.
  4. If you are experiencing allergies, you should change the air filters.


Consequences of Not Changing the Air Filter

If you don’t change the air filter regularly, here are the consequences.

  1. You spend more money on electricity bills.
  2. Your HVAC system gets clogged and eventually fails.
  3. It takes longer to heat or cool the air of your home.
  4. The air stagnates in your room, thus becoming stale.


It is important to constantly change air filters so that you can improve the HVAC system efficiency.

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