Company Blogging Analysis
The discussion is the Noonday collection, which utilizes a flourish blog section as a platform to display touching stories, pictures, interviews, and videos. The display features originate from a movement constituting storytellers, impressionists, and social entrepreneurs. One blog post that captures my attention is the one discussing adoption by Marla Yales featured by Noonday. The company uses the blog to offer awareness regarding the adoption of orphans around the world. Earlier in 2015, Noonday made public the connection that builds up when women integrate for a common purpose having its Ambassador community an exceptional testament to linkage. Women in such a platform share adoption encounters, which brands new friendships. Therefore, the company’s efforts in publicizing Yales’ purpose and commitment to achieving her adoption purpose became the beginning of new alliances with the company.
Noonday collection utilizes an engaging technique termed as Adoption Trunk Show, where it donates back to adopting households, Marla Yales included. The Adoption Trunk Shows make hosts from the adopting families where they bring together friends to support their passion. Eventually, the strategy becomes a win-win situation since it financially aids Marla Yales and other adopting households and creates recognition for the public. The company recognition prompts other ambassadors with varying passions to use their platform and fulfill their purpose. A proposal for improvement includes identifying other methods that work for both the company and the ambassadors to propel diversity in strategy. Besides enhancing the company’s ambassadors’ bonding through rallies and talks, it could also work on consistency in releasing information. Information at this point should become specific to its known audience through further research. Noonday Collection poses an advantage since it embraces diversity. Therefore, it contains a pool of concepts to choose from, making it easy to reach clients and the public. Public awareness becomes crucial since it forms the basis of company reputation, an asset to Noonday Collection.
Yales, M. (2020). Adoption and Noonday: Where my passion met the purpose and how twins found a home. Flourish.