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   Psychology among students

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Psychology among students




Self-awareness is a concept that plays a fundamental role in defining how individuals react or behave around their external environment. From this ideological perspective, it becomes evident that the understanding of self-concept among students facilitates understanding how they perceive their skills in sports, their appearance, and overall progress in school, among other issues. In consideration of this factor, teachers can utilize different techniques to facilitate positive self-concept among students so that they can perform better in school (Collins, 1984). With this in mind, elementary school teachers handling middle-aged children can utilize the need for the students to meet their own needs and those of the society to facilitate positive self-concept that results in improved academic performance.

Middle-aged children tend to be in the Industry vs. inferiority stage of Erikson’s psychological stages. Facilitating positive self-concept as a teacher can facilitate improved learning of fundamental reading and writing skills among middle-aged school children. With this in mind, realizes that a teacher’s role in facilitating positive self-concept among middle-aged students tends to have a significant role in defining a child’s future academic performance. Teachers need to ensure that no students utilize psychological aggression by making other children feel bad because it eventually affects their self-concept negatively. In this case, proactive aggression should be highly discouraged among middle-aged children in school because it can affect some students’ self-concept, resulting in poor academic performance. Therefore, as a teacher, it is significant to understand whether a student’s aggression is driven by either anger or the affective survival threat. In a nutshell, teachers should be able to develop the need to work together among middle-aged children by reflecting upon how they can achieve both their personal and social goals (Collins, 1984).


Collins, W. (1984). Development during middle childhood. National Academy Press.







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