Research data management activities at the MGGL to recommend interventions to enhance the management, sharing, and reuse of research data.
This section discusses and construes the study findings in relation to the research problem: to examine research data management activities at the MGGL of the University of Nairobi with the view to recommending interventions to enhance the management, sharing, and reuse of research data. According to (Bavdekar 2015), the study’s discussion and interpretation section is critical because it delves into the significance, importance, and relevance of the study outcomes. Accordingly, it keeps tabs on the study findings showing how they connect with the reviewed literature, research questions, and deducing meaning to support the study’s general conclusions. In summary, it allows the author to showcase the study
As mentioned above, this investigation aimed to examine research data management activities at the MGGL to recommend interventions to enhance the management, sharing, and reuse of research data. Consequently, this section will deduce meaning from the five study questions which were to:
- Investigate the presence or absence of legal and policy guidelines that support RDM activities
- Investigate the digital curation activities
- Investigate the technology and Infrastructure readiness for RDM activities
- Investigate the presence or absence of human resource capacity (Knowledge, skills and training requirements) that influence RDM activities
- Investigate the presence or absence of collaborative partnerships that influence RDM activities
The study participants were the research community (Postgraduate students and academic staff) and the research librarians at the MGGL. Equally, the investigation was supported by both the CCMF and the DCC curation lifecycle model. The study adopted the mixed methods research to collect and analyze data. (Pasipamire, 2017) in a study investigating the readiness of research libraries in Zimbabwe to offer research data services similarly utilized the mixed methods research.