Gaming theory
One could argue that applying the Gaming theory provides less insight on resolution compared to aggression. However, one should understand that the non-cooperative game theory addresses mainly how intelligent people interact with each other while striving to achieve their objectives (Bruno, Dell’Aversana & Guidettti, 2018). In essence, the prisoner’s dilemma game works as a tool to train and solve conflicts in various prison problems. In essence, places like mental facilities, prisons, schools and such-like institutions, conflict and aggression are common. Ellman (2018) notes that according to Adler, a renown Neo-Freudian, humanity’s inter-relatedness, and the desires for working together for the advancement of every person is essential for social development.
I believe that this approach is also another way to trigger the human drive to achieve better things while allowing for an improved understanding of the contribution of other stimuli towards social interaction. According to Freud, sex and aggression are the fundamental factors that drive human behavior (Ellman, 2018). When viewed as a game theory as an integrated method to resolve conflicts, the drive to become a better person allows aggression and pleasure, two opposing forces, to produce positive outcomes (Bruno et al. 2018). In essence, the psychodynamic approach addresses the unconscious mind, which contains every desire and urges in a person which could be unacceptable to other people. Thus, an individual does not display them in their conduct and behavior. That is because conflicts are common between team members and different groups. Games involve two teams where the success or failure of one is dependent on the performance of the other group. While games are often perceived as methods of inserting aggression, in this scenario, they focus on the interaction between intelligent people to achieve their objectives. That makes it an essential conflict resolution tool. The game changed my perception towards Neo Freudian as games allow participants to experience the failures related to understanding social functioning with insufficient organizational abilities. In other words, working together improves every person.