Pentecostal churches
Pentecostal churches comprise the fastest-growing group of churches across the world. The local number of Pentecostal adherents have risen from 100 to 500 million. According to Anderson, Pentecostian is a broad term that defines and describes how a group of churches worship. In many cases, the church emphasizes the influence of the spirit. Such belief is viewed from both the phenomenological and theological perspective. The term is, however, defined variably across the world.
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada(PAOC) believe in the baptism of the holy spirit. The influence is often evident from speaking in tongues. Most of the worship practice in Canada is however affiliated to that of other countries, especially the US and the evangelical fellowship in Canada. Wilkinson offers a theological appraisal of Pentecostal churches. He focuses on different ways in which Pentecostal diversity has changed the way people worship. While most Pentecostal churches believe that the spirit is poured on the flesh, it is noted through historical, cultural, and sociological perspectives. This has contributed to diverse worship practice noted across different countries.
Anderson noted that the multicultural nature of Canada had had an influential impact on Pentecostal practice. English and French culture shape the church. Furthermore, religion in most parts of Canada was often understood from a Roman Catholic perspective. Therefore, Canadian Pentecostals have not incorporated the choices of other groups into its history. Instead, every worship group tend to protect such identities.
Existence of multicultural groups has a different influence on different groups of people in Canada. Multicultural theories have further focused on the impact of a range of factors such as class, gender, and ethnicity. Furthermore, elasticity and persistence of religious identity in Canada have influenced universal unity and re-emergence of modernized religion across the public spheres of Canada.
Bramadat and Seljak noted that multicultural nature of protestants. Furthermore, multiculturalism Canada has diverse meanings. Government initiatives have focused on promoting the interest of different religious groups
Pentecostal identity has changed over time. The change can be attributed to the rising number of new religious and impact of modernism on the churches. Historically, the church has been guided by the practices of the New Testaments. It defines its practices as those highlighted in the book of Acts. However, this has changed due to multicultural and ethical influences that vary from one country to the other.
Maturity within Pentecostal churches reflects its ability to attract different worshippers and nurture the converts. It is also determined by the ability of church leaders to maintain church unity through inclusions of different communities. Historically, it has become supportive Inclusion of new communities have filled the gaps linked to religious disintegration and boosted support for marginalized measures put in place to support displaced people.
Anderson pointed out that flexibility and adaptability of Pentecostal churches contribute to its success. In many cases, leaders often break off to form new churches, thus creating a clashing or rival charisma. Other practices lost during historical development include unifying methods that were common across different Pentecostal communities. Baptism has a diverse meaning. However, this has changed based on people’s beliefs and the upcoming of different churches.
Their beliefs distinguish pentecostal churches. However, the baptism of the holy spirit has contributed to diverse practices associated with Pentecostal churches. For instance, their use of spiritual gifts and divine healing features distinct aspects associated with Pentecostalism. Pentecostal churches beliefs in the holy spirit and this are common with other churches. It has a mission of sharing the gospel, which is common with other churches. Furthermore, its current worship practices have been influenced by modernization, just like any other church.