Closeout Specialist
Watch the video “How to align the organizational structure with the work processes,” found at Select an organization of your choice and examine the structure. Then, briefly describe the type of system the organization has and explain how it is useful in accomplishing the organization’s goals. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the structure, and provide two recommendations to address those disadvantages.
The organization I chose is my current employer Department of Interior. As a Contract Closeout Specialist currently working on a team of 13 where (11) are Closeout Specialist, (1) Contracting Officer/Lead Supervisor, and (1) Backup Contracting Officer. I believe that the structures we have for our team is a good one and is significant in helping us achieve goals and completing our assignments. All the Contract Closeout Specialist and the Backup CO are assigned Contracts to close, although the backup CO can review and sign off on our files to assist the Lead or his absents. During the process of closing the contracts, there are various steps we take before moving onto the next stage. However, after completing multiple backgrounds, the file is turned over to the CO/Lead for review, at which time he will ensure all steps up to that point have been completed and there are no errors. He signs off on one form and returns the file to the Closeout Specialist to complete the closeout process. After the next few and final steps are completed the CO/Lead reviews for the last time sign off on another form and turns the file back over to the Closeout Specialist to process the closeout of the file in the system.
The way the process is designed is effective because it allows the Closeout Specialist the opportunity to do their job without anyone standing over them, but in turn allows for a review of their work before they complete the closeout process to eliminate errors and the need to reopen a contract just to correct mistakes. This process helps to ensure all steps were taken to close the contract accurately. Because of our structure and process, the team met our yearly goal of closing 1500 contracts within nine months.
The only problems in the structure would be if the CO/Lead and Backup CO were both out of the office at the same time, the team would have to wait until one of them return to have the files reviewed before moving on to the next steps.
One recommendation to eliminate this from happening is to make the Senior Contract Closeout Specialist a backup, giving her the necessary training and credentials that will give her the authority to review and sign off on the required forms.
The second recommendation would be to allow the Closeout specialists to complete all of the various steps, expect for closing it out of the system. Therefore, when the CO/Lead or CO backup returns they can review the complete package, sign off on the necessary forms and give the okay to close the file in the system. This will help to cut time and the going back and forth.