“Amazon and Future Group: Rethinking the Alliance Strategy” presents shows how Kishore Biyasni
The case, “Amazon and Future Group: Rethinking the Alliance Strategy” presents shows how Kishore Biyasni
and Jeff Bezos led their companies into alliances in which Amazon was deliberate to be able to sell some of their Group’s clothing brand and eventually retail their various categories of goods. The case here presents how these to global retail industries had grown steadily by $25.366 trillion by 2016 from the initial US$21.189 trillion. In this, there has been tremendous growth in e-commerce retail across the growth in 2016 is 7.4 percent, which was an increase of $1.88 trillion. The amount was, however, expected to shoot up to 8.8 percent.
The case has also shown how the industry grew from the period it was formed as it realized a 7.45 percent in Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). Since its formation is deliberated, the industry has been attracted to different investors across various regions; however, several rules prevent direct selling to various Indian consumers and investors by foreign retailers. Under this, there was a policy related to foreign direct investments in which the government was to approve 100 percent sell of single-brands and 50 percent of the multi-brand retail. Therefore, the case study has presented some o the facts that facilitated the growth in industry within Indian, some of which entails; increase in disposable incomes, changes in the demographic profiles, and the different changes that relate to preferences and tastes of other consumers across the country. Amazon is one of the e-commerce industries highlighted in this study, was known to having started the business in India in 2013 in which it stared by selling its two products that were movies and books. However, as presented in this study, the Future Group is deliberated to having introduced the large scale industries in India.
No 2
In the case “Creating Worldwide Innovation and Learning,” we are presented with Cisco Systems Inc that is deliberated to having been founded by scientists at the Stanford University known as Sandy Lemer and Len Bosack. The company is considered to have pioneered the Internet Protocol development that is believed to be an internet-based technology that had come up with the invention of the multi-protocol router.
As a networking company, Cisco mainly aimed to ensure that the adoption of TelePresence systems unified computing, networking services, and video systems and unified communication. The company is also deemed to have adopted a strategy to leverage the network to facilitate the expansion of the customer’s shares information spending. This case has further explained how the company had achieved growth despite the downturn in the economy currently being experienced. The tremendous increase in revenue realized is considered a result of the various products and services acquired from the different segments.
In 1995, Cisco commenced its operations in India, having some sales presence. Therefore, the operations of the company continued to enhance as a result of its ability to learn from interaction with the headquarters. Such ability of the team members in India to interact with the customers is deliberated two having some good momentum, and as such, there were some benefits achieved. Secondly, it created a conducive environment in which most businesses attempted to set up businesses for the industry. Finally, there was also an increase in the size of the operation teams due to the capability in the centers; there was also an attempt to take some complete responsibility through the provision of services in the various protocols for Cisco across the market globally. The support provided by the Cisco headquarters through provision capital and leases also facilitated Cisco’s growth in India, as stated in the case.