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There are three girls who walk into a shop in nothing but just bathing suits and no shoes on. This makes them be judged easily. The first girl to be seen as a cash-register watcher, a witch about fifty with rouge on her cheekbones and no eyebrows. She was in a plain green plaid two piece and she seems like a chunky kid with a good tan and a sweet broad soft looking can with two crescents of white just underneath it. The sun seemed to be hitting right at the back of her legs. It is assumed that has she has been watching cash registers for over forty years and have most probably never noted a mistake.

The second girl had a bright green suits and the bra seams could easily be noticed as well as her pale belly. It seemed that she just acquired the bathing suit there. She had a chubby berry face and lips that were bunched together under her nose. She was also tall and had black hair that wasn’t quite frizzed right. Sunburns could be visible from right under her skin and eyes and she had a long chin one that made presumptions that she is the striking and attractive type of girls who actually never make it.

The third girl was the queen of all. She led the others. She didn’t seem to look around but just moved around freely like she knew the place well. She had long prima donna legs. She came down a little hard on her heels and tried on the heels as if she didn’t make it to the shop barefooted. She made deliberate actions in those heels as if she was testing the floor. She seemed to have talked the two other girls in to going with her to her to the shop and she was showing them how walk slow and hold yourself straight in heels.

There girls are therefore considered indecent and people had started to pull through to have a closer look at them. The bathing suits would have better worn in the beach which was just a few miles away from the shop. There are approached and told that it’s the shop’s policy to have customers who go there have their shoulders covered. This led to an argument and the customers wanted to hear and see what was going on.

The girls claim they are embarrassed. They however leave the shop without causing much commotion and things get back to normal. The customers left were mostly married couples with children and they go back to doing their shopping as usual.

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