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The integration of flexibility

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The integration of flexibility can help family members to have a work-life balance. Often, balancing between work and family can be challenging for most individuals. In such an instance, they end up getting stressed and struggling to maintain or improve their performance. Also, individuals who are usually stressed sometimes damage their relationship with colleagues and employers, and as a result, they are at risk getting sacked. Therefore, to improve work-life balance, family members are supposed to create a flexible plan. This is so that they cannot spend more time in one area and over the other. The flexibility is also achieved by setting time for a vacation. By taking some time off from work, individuals can spend more time with their family members and mend connections if they have been broken.

On the other hand, employers have the responsibility of creating a flexible program. They can achieve this through the creation of policies that support flexibility. For example, they might set that after two months, the company provides employees with paid vacations. Also, employers can allow their employees to work from home if it is possible. This is especially if the employees can deliver their work from anywhere. Furthermore, employers must be willing to grant their employees with breaks whenever asked. This is so that the employees can relax and rejuvenate energy for better performance. This entails training managers so that they can be supportive to employees when they are handling personal issues. The employers can also involve employees in the discussion forums where they air their views about the working environment.

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