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Module 9

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Module 9


The list of films chosen includes Jumanji, the next level (Comedy), Bloodshot (Action), and Godzilla (Sci-fi). The three films fulfilled their genre expectations. Jumanji: The Next Level exists as a comedy movie that involves a game previously visited by the actors. This next-level consists of going back into the game to rescue one of their own where the actors involved in a hilarious exploration of the Jumanji. Bloodshot meets its genre expectations from the beginning, which includes the main character in a rescue mission in Mombasa. Godzilla exists as a Sci-fi genre film that meets the expectation with its main character living as a frightening nuclear-fictional main character.


  1. Scene one of act 1 sets the mood of romance. Shakespeare sets these plays in the most significant ways. His setting exists in far of places, which allow him to illustrate the theme of romance. The name of the setting ‘Illyria’ lives on the Adriatic coast, which has no significance in the play. However, the name evokes the images of far off regions with intrigues and love. In addition, this mood of romance spills over to the rest of the play. Shakespeare emphasizes the theme of romance through the application of music in these scenes and the rest of the play.

Additionally, the Duke’s state of feeling in love during the first scene illustrates the mood of romance.

“If music is the food of love, play on!

Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting,

The appetite may sicken, and so die.” (Shakespeare line 1-3)

Shakespeare mainly introduces his plays with such scenes of romance to avail an escape for the human mind, from the normal or realities of human life. Besides, these comedies introduced by romantic scenes apply imaginative settings, which occur away from the dull everyday life of the world. Shakespeare also employs characters who only fit and exist in the imaginary world he creates. Besides, the romantic mood set, at the beginning in Shakespeare’s plays, suggest “the comedies of mistaken identity” in his following scenes. The characters play their role in disguise. The lady characters commonly disguise themselves as men. All these aspects, such ladies disguising their identities to men, occurs as influenced by the need to attain love or attention.

  1. Viola’s and Olivia’s parallelism begins with a perfect reconstruction of their names. The rearrangement occurs around the same words. In addition, the two characters, Olivia and Viola, prevail in the same situations. Viola has lost her brother. Olivia has also lost her brother. The two characters feel lonely and left alone in this world. However, the two show different levels of intensity of their mourning. Olivia illustrates more inclination towards her grief compared to Viola. Yet, Viola can conduct her normal life functions despite her mourning state. It also in this scene where Viola disguises herself and begins her journey to seek employment at the Duke’s house. Viola realizes that she must act first to survive in this foreign land.

Viola and the Captain previously cheated death during an accident at sea. They got shipwrecked to the coast of Illyria, where they barely escaped death from drowning. The Captain congratulates Viola for escaping death at sea. The Captain also tells Viola of his experience at sea during the accident. The Captain gives Viola that her brother must have survived the accident.

“Hung on our driving boat, I saw your brother” (Shakespeare act 1)

The Captain says that he saw Viola’s brother holding on to a strong mast afloat on the sea. The Captain expresses his feeling and says that Viola’s brother, Sebastian, could survive the sea incidence. Olivia forswore men due to the death of her brother and father some years ago. Shakespeare applies solemnity in this scene to show the intensity of a tragedy on a particular character. The solemnity also marks the end of the tragedy and the onset of positive happenings in the life of the character. Viola is about to make a significant decision in her life, which inevitably changes it. The choice she makes takes her closer to the Duke, where she gets to serve the Duke.

  1. The notion of love, which influences pain to the characters, exists as the enemy of the comedy applied in the play. Olivia has experienced the wrath of love, which makes her call it a plague. This action happens despite the Duke showing interest in her. The first scene also portrays Olivia as a woman of charms. However, the following scene introduces Olivia as a mourning individual who has lost his brother and father a few years ago.

“In the protection of his son, her brother,

Who shortly also died: for whose dear love” (Shakespeare Act 1)

Besides Olivia, Viola feels pains at the thought of the death of her brother. She emphasizes with Olivia’s condition. Another tragedy occurs to Olivia when she discards her forswearing on men to flirt with Cesario (Viola). Her act of realizing the true identity of Cesario disappoints her love life and causes pain.

In addition, the Duke experiences the wrath of love. The Duke, Orsino, desires to experience true love with Olivia. The Duke continues to insist on Olivia’s companionship despite her refuting to read or receive messages. The act of persistence from the Duke illustrates his feelings towards love. The Duke has an interest in love and needs to share his notion of love, Olivia. However, Olivia causes pain in Duke for refusing to read her messages and the fact that she forswore men.

Discussion 9

Malvolio makes an entrance as the other characters Maria, Sir Toby, and Feste continues to merry make. He enters dressed in traditional nightcap and nightgown. He’s tall and skinny traits makes him stand over all the other merrymakers. Malvolio ridicules the merrymakers while a candlestick with the torch. Sir Toby and Feste continue to dance despite Malvolio’s constant reminder of stopping the party. However, Sir Toby feels that Malvolio has gone too far. This action happens despite the difference in rank of Sir Toby and Malvolio. The other servants, especially Maria, fear that Malvolio will report the case to Olivia. The situation at the rave outlines the characters that exist in the world. Malvolio exists as someone who has a priggish life and does not enjoy the goodness of life. The nature of Malvolio depicts itself in the carpe diem poems that encourage the young to enjoy as old age has limitations towards living a good life. Sir Toby, prevails as a more proactive individual who enjoys life while young.



Works Cited

Shakespeare, William. “Twelfth Night: Entire Play.” The Complete Works of William Shakespeare,





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