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MCC library

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MCC library

I have grown up accessing libraries at my former school in Brazil, where I got opportunities to read many books physically and also through group work activities. Having graduated from high school twenty-three years ago, I have never been exposed to computers and even the MCC library. Perhaps, I have least relied on the online library to address research work while at home and even when handling research-based assignment in line with my course work due to lack of computer technology. Furthermore, back in high school, I used the school library to complete several academic tasks through the use of secondary sources of information, which included textbooks, editorial pieces of work, and journals. I also came across different works of literature, constitutions, and various oral histories tutorials that also assisted me in my classwork (Tally, B., & Goldenberg, 1). This means that I have used both primary and secondary sources to meet my academic goals and obligations.

Besides, among all sources of information, the internet serves me the best regardless of the place and time, and therefore I can prefer it over the local and public libraries we have here in America (Hennig & Nicole, 227). On the other hand, due to lack of less access to computers, I have not yet used the Middlesex library, which is modified in a way that it has virtual services and can accommodate those learners in remote areas through a database that contains multiple articles and academic information. Well, it is thus comfortable and faster with a computer system to access any information when writing an assignment based on any research through the above library as well as an online library (Stewart et al., 265). MCC library relies on various databases to access academic information; hence it uses more of tertiary sources, which is not the case in most high schools. Besides, there are two essential definitions based on the library that is good to know; that is; annotated bibliography refers to a list of citations to articles or documents that come before a brief descriptive paragraph, library database refers to any searchable electronic index of both reliable and published resources. In general, I have only used local libraries back in high school have less access to public ones such as the Middlesex CC library, which is well equipped with catalog databases; hence it requires a computer system to access most of its searchable information and resources.

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