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Things to Do in Bavaria for Summer Holidays 2020

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<h1>Staycation 2020 – Things to Do in Bavaria for Summer Holidays 2020</h1>


<p>Are you worried about spending your holiday in a way that you did not plan because you are stuck in Bavaria? The good news is that your 2020 summer plans can still be salvaged as long as you are willing to consider a staycation. Holidays do not have to be abroad for them to be enjoyable. Below are some of the things you can do and still enjoy your summer holidays in Bavaria.</p>


<h2>1. Visit the Famous Neuschwanstein Castle</h2>


<p> This is one of Bavaria’s most popular destinations. The fairy castle was built for King Ludwig II of Bavaria from 1869 to 1886. It is a 19th-century Romanesque Revival palace situated in the rugged hill above Hohenschwangau’s village near Füssen.</p>


<h2>2. Explore the Green Forests, Great Food, and Beautiful Castles</h2>


<p>You should enjoy the beautiful green forests, and Disneyland inspired castles. Also, have fun walking along the beautiful rivers and lakes. You can also plan to visit the lederhosen & giant pretzels as they have become tourist hotspots.</p>


<h2>3. Enjoy Traditional Bavarian Foods</h2>


<p>To experience the local culture, you can sample some bread roll Knödel or take Steckerlfisch with potato salad. While at it, learn how to make some of these dishes like a native would.</p>

<h2>4. Visit Rothenburg and the Romantic Road</h2>


<p>Enjoy your holidays strolling or driving around one of the best-preserved medieval old towns in Europe. The beautiful half-timbered houses and shops are a great attraction all year round, especially the famous Käthe Wohlfahrt’s Christmas Village, where it is Christmas every day.</p>


<h2>5. Visit the Emerald Green Königssee Lake</h2>


<p>This is one of the most beautiful spots in the region. Take in the beautiful view of the steep wooded mountainsides and the rocky cliffs of the Watzmann range. You can also pray at the little pilgrimage church of St. Bartholomew.</p>




<p>Even with the coronavirus pandemic, you can have a good time in Bavaria. It is possible to enjoy staying back home and spend less money than you would have if you travelled outside the city. The activities listed above can help you pass your time constructively.</p>


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