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Why I chose Nursing as my Intended Career

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Firstly, as an upcoming Registered nurse, I would like to complete a nursing degree with pediatric certification. Secondly, I value the stability of working my way from a resident to a more senior professional post. To achieve this milestone, I would want to educate myself further by training, working, and gaining relevant experiences in pediatric nursing. On the same note, I would want to be registered by the American Nurses Credentialing Center as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurses. In addition to that, as an emphatic and dedicated professional, I would seek a position at a hospital with specialty care.

Why I chose Nursing as my Intended Career

I chose to pursue nursing for a multiple of reasons. Top on the list is the desire to make a difference and help people in need. In essence, the nursing career is more focused on the patient and, therefore, helps in saving lives (“Nursing Goals & Objectives”). For instance, with my strong values and compassion, I want to make a positive impact in diverse areas, such as in aged care, rehabilitation centers, and midwifery. At the same time, nursing as a job in high demand also motivated me. The ever-growing population, alongside various medical schemes, sets the medical and health sector to grow in the future. For instance, the Registered Nurses Association has predicted that the registered nurses will skyrocket in the coming years. In addition to this, I would want to grow professionally.

Facts about Nursing

First, I believe that in addition to being a satisfying career, nursing is rewarding with a high salary. My earnings will certainly depend on my area of specialty. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that registered nurses earn an hourly wage of $34.48 or an average of $71,730 annually (“Nursing Goals & Objectives”).

Secondly, nursing entails diverse, interesting aspects. Notably, many professional specialties characterize nursing career. Responsibilities bestowed upon nurses by the American Nurses Association include making critical decisions, coordinating patient care, obtaining medical history, and performing physical exams (“Nursing Goals & Objectives”). Further, the degree one holds in nursing determines in which area one is competent. Some of the common specialties include emergency nursing, National Intensive Care Unit, Home Health, and Forensic Nursing.

Thirdly, the future job outlook in nursing is poised to grow exponentially. According to the Bureau Labor of Statistics, the number of registered nurses is projected to grow from 2018 to 20218, with a margin of 12% (“Nursing Goals & Objectives”). The predicted growth is based on the premise that increased emphasis on preventive care, growing demand for healthcare services, and the increasing rate of chronic illnesses.

Further, multiple advancement opportunities exist for nurses to advance their profession. Key among them is expanding one’s education by earning a degree in Nursing, DNP, or MSN degree. In addition, in addition to medicine and medical services nursing, this career also offers individuals the opportunity to hone their management skills.

Lastly, my career goals are rooted in community-based research, primary healthcare disease, and clinical areas of midwifery. In particular, my future goals in nursing including but not limited to ensure quality care, be able to meet the set standards, increase both the quality and quantity of standard in my unit, as well as implement patient-centered quality care.

Example of a Person who inspired me to Pursue Nursing

Florence Nightingale motivated me to pursue a nursing career. Nightingale is remembered for making nursing a true career when she introduced helpful nursing concepts and eventually reduced the death rate in her hospital by a third (Litt et Phil 3). I also aspire to put Nightingale’s concept into practice and make positive changes within the health sector.

Refection on Nursing Career

For future nursing students, delving into a nursing career should be based on one’s values, assumptions, and beliefs. A wide range of opportunities characterizes the nursing profession, not to mention roles that require one to know from the onset what effects will the increased responsibilities, career advancement, and work challenges have on you (Litt et Phil 5). Therefore, having motivating factors is imperative for nursing students as they may turn external reinforcements into professional satisfaction and positive patient outcome. I also believe that different individuals are motivated by different factors, including an economic, sense of doing important work, or the need for autonomy. It is, therefore, important to recognize what motivate you to pursue a nursing career for future success.

Accordingly, competency in clinical nursing also goes hand in hand with being successful in this career. Clinical expertise can take many forms, including respecting patients’ rights, having the rigor and knowledge to dispense healthcare services, as well as submitting to nursing routines (Litt et Phil 5). In terms of patient rights, I believe that nurses need to acknowledge the spiritual and ideological beliefs of patients. Also, clinical knowledge can earn you high acceptance, motivate self-esteem, and add value to your career. For instance, really informed nurses motivate other students. This motivation involves commenting on the patient treatment process. Additionally, submission to the routines of nosing is equally essential. For example, taking mote of vital signs, recording, and reporting shows submission to stipulated routines. Having several years of experience and acting likely a robot when it comes to prescribing drugs or writing reports shows inappropriate care. By conforming to nurses’ practice, one would endeavor to stay in this profession, rather than

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