The evaluation of healthcare is an essential and vigorous process that analyzes the different healthcare attributes to make sure the healthcare systems are effective, efficient, acceptable and, equitable to fulfill the specific goals and objectives of healthcare. Healthcare intervention involves evaluating and assessing the quality of healthcare to get adequate information and data to learn more about available health programs, or about an implemented plan. The assessment involves calculating different attributes of healthcare that are measured to determine whether there is an accomplishment of the health needs of people. The main goal and aim of this research are to carry out a prospective evaluation of public health management to enhance the provision of adequate, quality, and sufficient public and environmental health services.
Effectiveness evaluation identifies the health benefits the public acquires using specific measures to improve the health of the people in the community. Efficiency evaluation explains how costly health care is by making sure there is well management of all the resources to make sure the benefits people receive exceed the cost of acquiring resources (Vinci et al., 2016). The acceptability concept evaluation involves embracing and adopting the available intervention, while equity aspects make sure the management and practitioners provide healthcare impartially among the people in the communities.
Evaluation is crucial in public health to make sure its complex aspects of practice are assessed and measures through the management of resources to achieve the set goal. The prospective evaluation uses cohort non-randomized design study to evaluate the quality, benefits, sufficiency, and equality of the healthcare services provided to the public. The relevant information extracted from evidence-based resources and reviews was systematically analyzed and used to evaluate the healthcare services. Additionally, the information gathered from the audience was crucial and useful when assessing the efficiency, effectiveness, acceptability, and quality of healthcare.
The healthcare evaluation process consists of activities that determine whether the healthcare services provided to the public are beneficial, cost-effective, equally distributed, accessible, and available to the population when needed. Public health management is a necessary process when evaluating health care services because it enhances the prevention of disease rather than treating a developed illness with prevention being the best way to promote health. Evaluation is crucial to identify where public health is effective and efficient and weak areas that require improvements.
To achieve better resources, evaluation encourages collaboration and teamwork among various healthcare professionals to reach full potential in their practice and provide the best healthcare for the public. To achieve this, health needs assessment is applied to plan for healthcare to identify the unmet health needs of the society. The unmet health needs of the public are met by targeting and providing necessary changes and strategies to enhance targeting the use of resources and proper management.
The healthcare needs assessment focuses on dealing with diseases, population, and intervention measures to increase health, sustainability, and well-being among the people with an absence of disease. Achieving a healthy community involves using an epidemiological approach that describes the epidemiology of disease and available intervention measures to make sure the public is protected from the disease to promote health. To achieve this, assessment involves collecting information used to create a plan to improve health by changing services. The public managers should be committed to the evaluation by implementing and recommending quality assessment and assurance when undertaking health care assessment by managing the available resources. They identify the health priorities needs of the public from the information collated to know the best intervention approach required to provide efficient, adequate, equal, and acceptable healthcare that meets the needs of the people.