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“live as if you were to die tomorrow

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The quotation that best describes me is “live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever” by Mahatma Gandhi. This quotation is a good description of my personality. The first part of this quotation emphasizes that one should not procrastinate assignments and should handle them immediately as if tomorrow will never be there. This quotation is a slogan in life and is instrumental in working my assignments timely without pushing them to the next minute or day. The last-minute rush always yields negative results due to working in a hurry, and quality is not guaranteed. Whether someone is watching over me or not, I am precise in everything that I do. My desire is always to produce quality work that is free of errors and is high in quality.

Moreover, I live life to the fullest, taking grip of all the opportunities of progress that come my way as if tomorrow will not be there. I am my motivation and independent in that I do not rely on others. “Learn as if you were to live forever.” Life is a learning process, and each should be taken as a challenge to improve one’s life and learn new insights. I seize every opportunity of learning new things and life skills.

Knowledge is power, and it is usually timeless. I view life as a class where every encounter teaches me, and I work towards improving my view and understanding of life situations. In school, I did not learn just for the sake, and I learned so that I gain permanent knowledge regarding the topics taught. This trait has contributed to a rich knowledge heavily inscribed in my mind and continues to help me in life.

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