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Surprising Facts About Psychological Care of the Aging

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Surprising Facts About Psychological Care of the Aging

The psychological care services for elderly groups have been expanding over the years. There is a higher demand for psychological health practitioners due to the increased need for care services. The cohorts of middle-age individuals are the group that is expected to have psychological services as they move into older age. Also, the research study indicates that two-thirds of older adults with psychological needs do not have access to the care system. This is very acute in underserved groups and rural areas among people living below the poverty line. High health disparities bring the increased demands of psychological care among racial and ethnic groups.

Most of the older adults feel that they should only seek treatment services when they become depressed. The psychological care interventions are preferred compared to other antidepressant medication or treatment. Indeed, the majority of older adults normally feel comfortable after receiving treatments from qualified health professionals. The research study indicates that 50-70% of primary visits by elderly groups are involved in stress, depression, and anxiety. According to the World Health Organization, depression is known to have high rates of disabilities and a negative impact on the physical functions of a person. Depression is considered as the leading cause of disability. The patient’s integration decreases the frequency of older adults’ primary care with healthcare providers.

Did you originally consider any of these as myths, when in reality, they are based on evidence?

Some of these facts seem to be myths according to the information presented in the study. The demand for psychological is not expected to expand among older people because many healthcare organization tends to provide holistic care to patients. Also, home based care helps many elderly living in rural areas have access to the psychological care system. The managed programs ensure that low-income people can have access to care through insured programs. As such, the facts on two-third estimates of older adults who do not have access to psychological care seems to be a myth. Ministry of health in many countries initiated some effective programs of increasing access to care among underserved and racial groups. The fact of primary care visits seems to be a myth because many older people are associated with chronic conditions rather than psychological disorders.

How can nurses influence attitudes among caregivers and the public about aging?

Nurses can engage caregivers and community members in education programs to address the negative stereotype of psychological disorders among aging adults. This can help in reducing negative myths about aging, which leads to stress, depression, and anxiety to patients. Also, nurses need to increase their interaction with the public and caregivers to share knowledge of psychological disorders among elderly adults. With this interaction, caregivers and members of the public can understand the needs of seeking psychological care. It also acts as a motivation to help elderly groups avoid some common problems like depression. Nurses should consider social structures, cultural systems, and religious beliefs in the care system to ensure holistic interventions. This can change the attitudes and behaviors of the public or caregivers towards aging groups when all culture is embraced in the care system. These approaches can help in creating a positive attitude about the aging population.



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