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Strengths and Weakness

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Strengths and Weakness

I have realized that the language of English has many limitations and strengths. Learners experience some strengths and weaknesses as follows. Some strengths involve developing communication competence skills. The language has helped me to gain skills like greetings people, apologizing, asking for permission, giving out personal information, and making suggestions. Communicative competence has helped me to have skills in communicating daily. Besides, the student gains writing skills, which helps in writing. Also, the English language has enabled me to solve problems through critical thinking. It helps in solving the problems that we are facing and articulate their ideas with confidence.

On the other hand, there is some weakness which makes it difficult to communicate with other learners. The complexity may make the learners feel discouraged about the foreign language. Confusion of the language leads to learning linguistic forms (Wu & Pan, 2012). Also, another weakness is students producing content without teachers’ guidance. This concept comes when students are indulged in something new without the teacher’s guidance, and through that, they develop an irrelevant concept. It is like taking new swimmers into the pool and making them swim independently without a coach.

Strategies for Improving

The English language can be learned and improved through different strategies. First, the Think – Pair – Share (TPS). It is a cooperative learning technique that uses the concept of thinking about the problem first, then cumulates the problem identified, then lastly, share the ideas to the audience. The technique provides a platform where students give out what they know and what they need to know (Millis, 2012). The positive side of this cooperative technique is; it gives students ample time to think about the problem that deserves a lot of attention. Also, effective listening can improve the English of a learner. The strategy comes with the concept of being attentive to the vocabulary, adjectives, verbs used, top-down and bottom-down concept. Apart from the mentioned approaches, the students need to be keen on the person speaking to them, because of their body language, especially those who use signs to communicate. Furthermore, improving the English language requires constant writing and oral speaking; this will improve your speech and writing.



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