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Importance of Functions in Electrical Engineering

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Importance of Functions in Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is a significant branch of engineering dealing with practical applications id electricity in its various forms. Electrical engineers work with the help of interrelated systems in developing more and accurate systems within a short period. Among the functions undertaken by electrical engineers is basic research in physics and applied mathematics to gain more knowledge in the electronics field. The paper gives an insight into the importance of functions in the electrical engineering field.

Firstly, research is paramount in any field of education, including the electrical engineering field. For electrical engineers to effectively develop new electrical engineering developments, research ought to be undertaken to ensure accurate outcomes. Some of the functions may include developing new materials, applied research in the field of engineering, and field testing of equipment (Dorf, 2018).

Secondly, electrical engineers also need to consult when coming up with new developments. With the rapid developments in technology, electrical engineers find it hard to maintain the required skills to manage activities. To overcome this, consulting engineers are employed to determine the appropriate course of action. People with extensive knowledge in the field are employed as consulting engineers due to their experience and electrical engineering (Madisetti, 2018). Functions are essential in engineering in that they ensure the development of quality and reliable products in engineering. Besides, with the help of different functions, engineers can provide innovation in electrical engineering.




Dorf, R. C. (2018). The Electrical Engineering Handbook-Six Volume Set. CRC press.

Madisetti, V. K. (2018). The Digital Signal Processing Handbook-3 Volume Set. CRC press.



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