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Relationships In ‘A Star Is Born (2018) Film.’

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Relationships In ‘A Star Is Born (2018) Film.’

The film ‘A Star is Born (2018)’ reviews a seasoned musician named Jackson Maine. He discovers and gets to love an artist, Ally (Gaga) (Barber and Simon, 189). Ally struggles and she is about to give up on singing. At the moment, Jack coaxes her, and Ally’s passion takes off. In the process, their relationship has troubles as Jack struggles with internal demons. Jack is a famous rock singer battling with drug addiction and alcohol. His attraction to Ally starts when he goes drinking alcohol and witnesses a performance by Ally of the Edith Piaf performance. Jack becomes amazed by her excellent performance, and they spend a night interacting. Ally hence discloses to him on the struggle to make it in her profession. In the process, they get into a serious relationship. This paper will discuss a preview on ‘A Star is Born (2018) film’, discuss relationship issues in the film, theories related to interpersonal skills and finally conclude.

Later, Ally tours with Jack, and she meets Rez. Rez proposes to Ally with an impromptu ring. They then get married the same day at a church. Jack, in his drunken state, fights with Ally over his success in music. Jack wets himself as he witnesses Ally received awards as the best new artist. However, taken to rehabilitation and later sobers up. Rez and Jack get into conflict over Ally. Jack later commits suicide over the competition of love in the unsolved relationship with Ally. During the tribute, she performs, revealing her love to jack and introduces herself as Ally Maine.

In this paper, three interpersonal communication theories are discussed, as depicted in the film a star is born. One of the approaches is the relational dialectics theory (DeVito and Joseph, 18). The view looks for understanding through exploring arguments that oppose it. However, there are two forms of dialectics; they include external and internal dialectics. They have a role in interpersonal relationships. It deals with the emergence of competing disclosures. Communication is essential between two parties since it evokes several systems. The relational directives theory shows that tension between relationships is inevitable. Another approach depicted in the film is the identity management theory. The theory explains the development, establishment, and maintenance of one’s identities in a relationship. More so, the relationship may be influenced by different cultures, hence try’s to negotiate together to satisfy their desires. Tension may arise in the intercultural connection, which may even result in stereotyping. The third interpersonal communication theory is cognitive dissonance. The thesis argues that people have to be consistent to reduce dissonance.  It further explains that when individuals encounter new experiences and new information, they tend to categorize based on their beliefs and thoughts. Hence individuals should avoid such situations to generate dissonance.

Communication is vital for the maintenance and initiation of a relationship (DeVito and Joseph, 181). For a relationship to last, partner needs to be open to each other and avoid keeping secrets which are the source of conflicts. Partners should always communicate the challenges they encounter so that they can be in a position to overcome and maintain the rapport. However, respect plays a crucial role in maintaining a relationship. When they learn to respect each other, love comes automatically in the relationship. Many connections are terminated due to factors like mistrust, misunderstanding, and conflicts. When partners disagree in relation, they are supposed to table it down and solve the conflict harmoniously. Notably, if a relationship develops a problem, and the challenge encountered is not translated, it is likely to end. For Example, the relationship between Jack and Ally was terminated due to a lack of proper communication. It was because Jack was involved in addictions of drugs and alcohol, which altered healthy communication.

There are various styles and methods used in dealing with interpersonal conflicts. Multiple teams use three critical approaches in conflict resolution (Sari di et al., 7). They include distributive, integrative as well as mediating. One of the systems is integrative, which aims to solve conflicts and meet people’s needs. In the film, Ally could utilize the tactics to avoid conflict between Jack and Rez. She would have stood the gap to prevent problems associated with relationships.

In conclusion, communication is essential in an ideal relationship. The communication process in a relationship is best described by the social penetration theory (DeVito and Joseph, 25). The approach recognizes five major stages, which could be attributed to love between Ally and Rez and Ally and Jack in the film. The first stage is the orientation stage. In the first point, people meet as strangers and start with a conversation. For Example, Jack was amazed by Ally’s performance and initiated a conversation ads strangers. The second stage in the process of relationships is the experimental, exploratory stage. The conversations become friendly. The third stage is the affective exchange, where individuals become romantic and platonic partners. It is clear between Rez and Ally, who married ion an impromptu case. The fourth stage is the sound stage, where the partners become open to each other. The final step is de-penetration. In the background, the costs of the relationship exceed the benefits. It hence results in withdrawal and eventually may end up separation or divorce. Ally discovered Jack’s weaknesses and opted out to Rez. The depth of penetration in the relationship determines the intimacy between the partners.



Work cited

Barber, Simon. “Songwriting in the Studio.” The Bloomsbury Handbook of Music Production      (2020): 189.

DeVito, Joseph A. “The interpersonal communication book.” Instructor 1 (2019): 18.

Leaman, Marion C., and Lisa A. Edmonds. “By the Way”… How People With Aphasia and         Their Communication Partners Initiate New Topics of Conversation.” American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 29.1S (2020): 375-392.

Saridi, Maria, et al. “Workplace interpersonal conflicts among healthcare professionals: A survey on conflict solution approach at a General Hospital.” International Journal of    Healthcare Management (2019): 1-10.

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