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Interview with the Coca-Cola Company’s Human Resource Director

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Interview with the Coca-Cola Company’s Human Resource Director

Mitchell Crossman is the director of human resource management in the Coca-Cola company. In the recent past, Coca-cola has been one of the outstanding companies that have always maintained its record in making more profits yearly. The beverage selling company has gained a competitive advantage in almost 140 counties and is the largest beverage selling company in the world. The human resource manager of the company, Michelle Crossman, is identified as one of the people who are behind the success of the company. In my interview with her, i8 was able to gain answers to what her leading role in the company is and a word of encouragement to other students who are planning to graduate and face the world.

One of the roles that she plays in the organization is mainly on recruitment of workers. She has to look for the necessary skills that could be in individuals before recruiting the person (Sandvik et al., 2020). She explained that a pool of people does the role, but she has to sign on the person who is chosen to avoid employing unskilled workers (Lovren, Maruna, & Stanarevic, 2020). Additionally, she is responsible for hiring resources such as vehicles used to transport goods. These skilled workers are seasonal and hence do not require permanent employme3nty and the necessary machines in places where they do not have a well-equipped company (Macke, & Genari, 2019). Ideally, Michelle presses interest in her work and believes that anybody is capable of performing the task as long as they are equipped with the required skills.

The Coca-Cola Company has always maintained its culture yearly and has continuously been making new inventions on different flavours of drinks. Michelle explains that it is her work to ensure that all the duties of the company are followed by all workers (Lovren, Maruna, & Stanarevic, 2020). She goes ahead to explain that she cannot be in every part of the company; hence she deploys other people who in turn gives her information which she has to record.  Additionally, recognizing workers with hard work is essential in a company. This brings about positive competition in the company in terms of work delivery so that one is appraised (Macke, & Genari, 2019). Michelle explains that she has to appraise workers and give them different prizes as a motivation factor to make them work extra hard. Through this, the company duties are done to perfection.

I chose on interviewing the human resource director of the coca-cola company because of the progress that has been continuously made in the company. The number of loses incurred by this company is minimal. From this perspective, I chose on interviewing their human resource manager enlighten more on t5he initiatives and roles that she does to ensure the company achieves the competitive advantage as well as make more profits (Macke, & Genari, 2019).  What is interesting about Michelle is her confidence in the way she tackles her duties. She is strict to workers and at the same time very friendly to them. She issues her instructions in the right way; hence workers can delegate their duties efficiently.

To support trading and development, Michelle explains that she, in most cases, loves talent. As a human resource manager, she has to source for talent in different companies from the workers that would help in nurturing the workers as well as motivating them (Lovren, Maruna, & Stanarevic, 2020).  for this reason, she takes her time to train people in various branches of the importance of talent as well as hard work. She explains the necessary steps and skills that one requires to have in a company so that they may excel as a unit (Macke, & Genari, 2019). During the interview, I was surprised to hear that Michelle even goes ahead to work with the casual labourers as she explains to them strategies the company needs to excel (Butz et al., 2019). Through this, she gets to identify different talents from the workers, which she is one of her jobs.

To conclude the interview, Michelle elaborated that graduate students should first build their skills by working in several companies before taking steps to work on complex jobs. They need to acquire enough skills from their mentor or companies so that they do not make mistakes when given other tasks in future. Michelle is one of the business mentors in the world that are admired by many students. She acts as a role model and explains that people should be mentored to learn different skills that would later help them acquire jobs.




Lovren, V. O., Maruna, M., & Stanarevic, S. (2020). Reflections on the learning objectives for

sustainable development in the higher education curricula–three cases from the University of Belgrade. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.

Butz, A. R., Spencer, K., Thayer-Hart, N., Cabrera, I. E., & Byars-Winston, A. (2019). Mentors’

motivation to address race/ethnicity in research mentoring relationships. Journal of diversity in higher education12(3), 242.

Sandvik, L. V., Solhaug, T., Lejonberg, E., Elstad, E., & Christophersen, K. A. (2020). School

mentors’ perceived integration into teacher education programmes. Professional Development in Education46(3), 424-439.

Macke, J., & Genari, D. (2019). Systematic literature review on sustainable human resource

management. Journal of cleaner production208, 806-815.



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