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Drugs should be legalized to pave the way for more effective treatment of addiction. Legalizing drugs can make it easier to treat and identify people who suffer from addiction to substances. Addiction should not be criminalized but treated as a medical issue. Legalizing drugs can go along with more effective rehabilitation and supporting addicts (Nutt, 2018).

Drugs kill. In 2015, more than 8,400 cases of death were reported, the main cause, drug overdose. Legalizing hard drugs such as heroin will not only lead to more deaths but also scores of addiction. Legalizing drugs will not unravel social predicaments and violence. The Czech Republic tried liberal approaches, which unfortunately backfired, resulting in increased drug tourism and public nuisance. On the other hand,  the united states drug enforcement administration asserts that drugs and crime violence go hand in hand. They say that majority of homicides are committed by people under the influence of drugs others looking for money to buys drugs (Cheng et al. 2018).

I don’t think drugs should be legalized. They are already causing more harm, so legalizing drugs cause another global pandemic, which I don’t think we are ready to handle.








Cheng, C., Mayer, W. J., & Mayer, Y. (2018). The effect of legalizing retail marijuana on housing values: Evidence from Colorado. Economic Inquiry56(3), 1585-1601.

Nutt, D. (2020). Beyond cannabis: why we should look at legalizing other illegal drugs for medical use to benefit patients. Evaluation14(47), 19.












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