Dan Goman is the CEO and Founding father of the well known OWNZONES Entertainment Technologies. This software firm targets in supplying the OTT companies and post-production with contemporary transformations, from digital provision chain findings to distinctive, custom-make video apps.
Dan Goman was born in the 1970s in western Romania. Dan escaped the harsh socialist regime with his family and migrated to America during his childhood. Goman learned English in viewing television shows and coaching himself on how to program on an ancient IBM computer.
He graduated at the University of Maryland and commenced his profession in software enhancement. Dan acquired proficiency in the firm via his work promoting the technology of big industries like Lucent Technology, AT&T and Microsoft. He afterwards launched OWNZONES in the year 2010 after he came to realize the inclining switch from paper and mass media to the digital subject.
Dan Goman was possessed with being on the very top of the high-tech landscape, so he tries his very best to stay contemporary in regards to the company. As his firm enlarged, he made sure to lay a sharp focus on their development and exploration of current technology. Dan Goman’s firm currently provides productive and secure solutions to various OTT programmes’ content distribution chain wants and content servicing. The day to day jobs Goman’s firm predominantly provides are in the film, and streaming production, similar to nearly every corporation in the United States has tested their portion of setbacks. Their services are eventually aiding those in the corporation more adaptive to the present condition.
OWNZONES company has been perceiving a significant increment in examens from newscasts firms who are recognizing that, when they are exhausted of fresh content, they might spot the following depletion in income, and are engrossed in establishing an OTT programme via them to reclaim past content.