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Total Quality Management in Business

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Total Quality Management in Business


Total quality management (TQM) is the continual process of detecting and reducing or eliminating errors in manufacturing, streamlining supply chain management improving the customer experience, and ensuring that employees are up to speed with training.  It aims at holding all parties involved in the production process accountable for the overall quality of the final product or service (Barone,  (n.d.)). It is also a continuous effort by the management as well as employees of a particular organization to ensure long term customer loyalty and customer satisfaction.  It ensures that every single employee is working towards the improvement of work culture, processes, and services, systems, and so on to ensure long term success and to improve competitiveness within an organization. This paper will explore how Total Quality Management helps businesses to outshine their competitors.

Importance of Quality Management in Business

Total Quality management ensures superior quality products and services. The quality of a product can be measured in terms of performance, reliability, and durability. Quality is a crucial parameter that differentiates an organization from its competitors. Quality management tools ensure changes in the systems and processes which eventually result in superior quality products and services. Quality management methods such as Total Quality Management or Six Sigma have a common goal – to deliver a high-quality product. Quality management is essential to create superior quality products which not only meet but also exceed customer satisfaction. Customers need to be satisfied with your brand. Business marketers are successful only when they emphasize quality rather than quantity. (Juneja,  (n.d.)). .




Works Cited

Barone, A. (n.d.). How total quality management (TQM) works. Investopedia. Retrieved August 22, 2020, from

Juneja, P. (n.d.). Importance of quality management. Management Study Guide – Courses for Students, Professionals & Faculty Members. Retrieved August 22, 2020, from




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