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Charity Calls for More Screening to Increase Cancer Survival Rates

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Charity Calls for More Screening to Increase Cancer Survival Rates

Cancer awareness to the general public is essential and a foundation of which cancer-control plans can be built. Cancer awareness and survival rates can be boosted by understating their problems and possible solutions. It is the reason as to why the Charity Foundation in the UK has called for increased screening for cancer across several regions. The Foundation has also retaliated that stalling the numbers being examined has been the main stumbling block in saving the lives of patients with cancer.

Comparative screening of cancer

It has been noted that a lack of comparative cancer screening of individuals who see their GPs with symptoms of cancer is the main reason why such countries have better survival rates than the UK. A complete reconstruction of how cancer is treated should be changed. As at now, for a patient to be screened, it is the doctors who can decide whether or not and give consent.

To boost the cancer survival rates, several one-stop shops that operate free of the GP system need to be established to offer more screening opportunities. Primary care and GPs are the main elements of a sound health system, and they should be supported fully rather than being undermined. The GPs should also be empowered to refer suspected patients to secondary care to boost survival rates.

An expert in the Charity Foundation in the UK introduced a good cancer plan in the year 2000 though ten years later, it had not yielded much results. If the program had picked on well cancer survival rates in the UK would be five times better and the best in Europe. The expert added that poor performance in treating cancer has contributed to more cancer deaths in the UK.

According to the Charity Foundation, the continuous comparative deficiency in cancer outcomes was unraveled in the concord-3 studies. From the study, it was revealed that Sweden, Australia, Norway, and Denmark were much better than the UK when it came to survival rates. All the four countries were doing well in trying to contain the six common types of cancer than the UK.

Other factors that hindered the Charity Foundation’s efforts in battling the disease were lack of scanners. It was noted that the UK was ranked 35 out of 37 for the numbers of CT scanners available. To make matters worse it was at rank 31 out of the 36 nations in terms of the MRI scanners present. Due to these factors, the Charity Foundation is creating awareness to help boost the survival rates of cancer patients.

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