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Usage of Earth Analogs and its Influence on Futuristic Extraplanetary Explorations

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Usage of Earth Analogs and its Influence on Futuristic Extraplanetary Explorations


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Usage of Earth Analogs and its Influence on Futuristic Extraplanetary Explorations

Scientists since ancient periods try to comprehend other planets through Earth as an optic. Earth contains varying climate, and survey on space expound on features of climate alongside the dynamic philosophy of energy and matter regarding nuclear winter as an illustration. According to Garthwaite (2020), geoscience discipline revelations become unequal in a sense, attempts to describe the Earth’s processes nearer to the ground and profound in its core commence in benefiting from insights originating from space. One illustration of the utilization of Earth analogs revolves around observations conducted on Mars. Earth contains tiny decimetre-scale ripples and massive sand ridges. Mars contains similar ridges and includes a third type of ripple pattern, which becomes non-existing on Earth (Garthwaite, 2020). The

unusual patterns triggered several scientists to examine their approaches resulting in the conception of new models. The recent models disclose a connection between the magnitude of a ripple and water density or any other liquid causing its creation. Utilizing such approaches advanced for Mars’s environment, people could currently view an old rock, compute existing ripples in it, and produce findings regarding how salty or cold water becomes during the period of formation of the rock.

Observations go further in disclosing the movement of vast waves of sand within Mars. Planetary scientists identified that humankind recognizes modifications transpiring on Mars. Desserts on Earth constitute mega ripples frequently between dunes. Mega ripples comprise two magnitudes of sand grains and appear on Mars during the twenty-first century (Kornei, 2020). A few decades ago, no evidence existed regarding the movement of sand ripples on Mars. Still, a recent study indicates that the acceleration of tiny sand grains is due to the winds in Mars (Kornei, 2020). The study of other planetary bodies helps disclose how Earth-like frameworks exist in the universe and mainly make Earth different from the standard planet.




Garthwaite, J. (2020). What other planets can teach us about Earth: Stanford researchers explain. Stanford News.

Kornei, K. (2020). Giant waves of sand are moving on Mars. Science.

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