Basic Measurement Concepts
Student X’s assessment data reflect the value underneath which the scores of the 24 students fall at the classroom level. It indicates that nearly all the students have scored less than 62% score. The 96th percentile is the score beneath which 96% of all the students are found. Proportionately, 4% of the student’s results should be found above the 96th percentile. From the calculation, 4% x 26 = 1.04, it is definite that one student is above student X in terms of score and by a far range from the majority 96%. Therefore, the formative assessment of data for student X will determine the instructional interventions and adjustments to be used in class by the tutor (Dixson & Worrell, 2016).
The presentation of Student X’s assessment data is a percentile or % correct matter to indicate the relativity to the 100% potential of the scores. The percentile indicates the correspondence to the confidence interval of the students’ results (Miller, 2020). Student X score was chosen as the reference percentile since the student’s score was closer to the other studstudents’ge yet high among them. Therefore, the score had the highest confidence interval (Miller, 2020). The percentile rank has been utilized to reveal the norm-referenced tests (Dixson & Worrell, 2016). If student X’s score is at the 96th percentile, where 96 is the percentile rank, then the score is equivalent to the score beneath which 96% of the other students’ results might be found. In this case, the student had a score of 62%. The one student is above the 96th percentile, which means the score is above 96% of the students and, therefore above the 62% correct matter.
Dixson, D. D., & Worrell, F. C. (2016). Formative and summative assessment in the classroom. Theory into Practice, 55(2), 153-159.
Miller, J. (2020). Percentile rank pooling: A simple nonparametric method for comparing group reaction time distributions with few trials. Behavior Research Methods, 1-11.