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Application for Customer Engineering position

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Application for Customer Engineering position

Dear Sir,


I am writing regarding the position of Customer Engineering. As a candidate with extensive experience in Statistics, Machine Learning, and AI. I am highly skilled in Python, NumPy, and R. The opportunity to join your teams much interests me because of the chance to work to develop technical plans and execute on complex systems as a holder of MSc Artificial Intelligence can competently execute the task of exploring challenging problems with critically and analytically. I would make a valuable asset to your team, and I offer my resume for your review. As per my professional summary, my qualities and experience make me highly suitable for this role. I am highly regarded for research and analytical skills.


I have demonstrated the highest levels of service and commitment to the mission of the organization I have worked for throughout my career. I lead the five people team to establish and maintain production CI/CD pipelines during my stint in Tata Consultancy Services, India. During my masters, I have shown sincere interest, and it has been reflected in my overall performance. Moreover, I have managed and monitored cloud (Azure) infrastructure for production applications. My interest lies in optimization techniques, especially using genetic algorithms, and currently working on a thesis in the same domain.


Thus, if you are looking for a well-grounded Customer Engineering, please contact me to arrange an interview. I am eager to learn more about how your organization can benefit from my contribution.


I have independent work permission, which means I do not require any immigration support or sponsorship to take any role. My immigration permission is based on the third Level graduate program. The revised program details are set out in the policy document, which can be accessed at



Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.



Ajinkya Sakhare


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