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why federalism matters

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The article has offered a discussion on the topic of why federalism matters. The author has adequately offered a discussion on why federalism matters along with its importance in society. The author has asserted that federalism often assists in the separation of powers between the national government and the regional government. Also, the author has stated that federalism created by the founders of the USA constitution often creates some limitations on the federal government. The limitations usually assist in limiting the powers of the national government to ensure that it does not destroy the rights are liberties of the American citizens. Moreover, the framers of the American constitution chose to restrain the central government’s powers, along with the separation of powers between the three branches of the government and the intergovernmental units. They divided the federal government into three branches, which they believed would create an effective government, which would consequently enable America to enjoy unusual political and economic stability. The author has an educative discussion that would assist in improving the knowledge of the reader on federalism. The article has addressed the concept of federalism from the perspective of citizens since it has stated that the founders of the constitution mainly framed the federal constitution to prevent the rights and liberties of the citizens from being destroyed by the government while at the same time giving the government opportunity to protect itself. Furthermore, the article is relevant to the topic because it has offered a discussion, which is essential in addressing the question of whether the federalism created by the founders of the USA constitution is still relevant. Similarly, it has offered a discussion on federalism from the perspective of the citizen, and this has considerably helped in addressing the topic. The strength of the article relies on Opperman’s lecture. However, it lacks methodology which can assist in confirming its validity and reliability.

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