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Table of content


Table of content 2

Literature review.. 4

Use of the Hypertension Self-Care Profile Tool for Self-Management of Hypertension amongst African Americans. 4

Introduction. 4

Literatures search strategy. 5

Hypertension self-care among African Americans. 5

Background and Significance. 7

Background. 7

Significance. 8

Problem statement 9

Description of the Problem (PICOT) 10

The project needs Assessment 11

Specific project Aim.. 12

Research objective. 12

Synthesis of evidence. 13

Definition of Hypertension. 13

Presentation of Hypertension. 14

Hypertension Self-Care Profile Tool (HBP-SCP) 14

Hypertension Self-Care Activities and practices. 15

Taking medication. 16

Self-monitoring the blood pressure. 16

Taking low fat, low sodium and balanced diet 17

Regular exercise and reducing stress. 17

Factors that affect hypertension self-care practice among African American Ethnicity. 18

Demographic factors such as employment and age. 18

Duration of illness. 18

Hypertension healthy literacy and education. 19

Social and health support 19

Self-management empowerment 19

Theoretical framework. 20

Challenges of Hypertension Self-Care Profile tool 21

Summary. 22

References. 24




Literature review

Use of the Hypertension Self-Care Profile Tool for Self-Management of Hypertension amongst African Americans


Hypertension is a worldwide public health concern associated with high blood pressure epidemiology, adoption of an unhealthy lifestyle and, experiencing a stressful situation.  The World Health Organization reports that hypertension is likely to affect African American adults above 25 years compared to people from other parts of the world. Therefore, self-care is very crucial to enhance the treatment and management of the health condition (Nasser & Ferdinand, 2018). The aim of this Doctor of Nursing Practice evidenced-based project is to Systematically evaluate evidence-based literature to establish whether utilizing the hypertension self-care profile in African American community with hypertension will increase knowledge in self-care management and further improve compliance with follow-up visits with a primary care provider and medication administration at home for chronic disease management.

Hypertension Self-Care Profile is a measurement tool that enables people to measure the level of High blood pressure (HBP) to control the Hypertension condition. Self-care is an essential step toward dealing with Hypertension pandemic among African American individuals. According to Seow et al. (2017), effective hypertension self-care and management interventions are necessary and required for the African American population ho have more inadequate blood pressure control compared to an individual from other backgrounds. Hypertension care-management is a practice that involves controlling blood pressure to reduce the chances of developing complications that result in hypertension. According to Allison (2017), hypertension care-management practice among African Americans assessed and evaluated to make sure people from these backgrounds understand hypertension self-care practices to control their medical conditions.

Literatures search strategy

A systematic search of the literature was done by reviewing various databases such as Google Scholar using Google as the search engine to get discussed and evidence-based writing. The research parameter searched for peer-reviewed articles written in English and recent articles that are less than five years old.  During the search, keywords used to make sure the resource acquired was relevant to the research. The keywords used are African American, self-care, hypertension, Blood pressure, elf-management, and health care. Approximately 30 literature studies reviewed, but 22 studies were applied and cited in this literature review.

Hypertension self-care among African Americans

Hypertension is a global health issue with a high prevalence among all people from different diversities. In the United States, according to Zabler et al. (2018), approximately 29 % of the adult population has hypertension, and as the people age, the risk of developing hypertension increases. The research shows that African Americans have a substantially higher prevalence of developing and mismanaging hypertension, with a rate of 45.2% versus to the whites, whose price is 29.1% (Fei, 2017). This high rate is associated with factors such as poor background and lack of healthcare services to take tests regularly to detect high blood pressure. According to studies and research, Bolin (2017), states that African Americans the recent trends of providing healthcare, treatment and hypertension self-care tools have resulted to the creation of awareness, control, and treatment of high blood pressure improving living and wellbeing for African American communities and the population within the country.

Self-care frequently assesses the activities individually with hypertension engage in to make sure they control their health condition by managing their blood pressure. The activities include participating in activities such as using a tool to measure the level of blood pressure. According to Salim et al. (2019), tools used to manage hypertension, in this case, the hypertension self-care profile tool are recommended by the relevant organization such as The Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC8) which develop and implements guidelines for Prevention, discovery, valuation, and medication of High Blood Pressure. Providing and educating vulnerable people about this tool enhance self-care intervention and adoption of behaviors, which reduces high blood pressure among the population. However, according to Bolin (2017), African American communities have been involved in research and community-based evaluations to establish whether the use of hypertension self-care practices undertaken among African Americans with high blood pressure.

The analysis and assessment of literature are required to report whether the use of hypertension self-care profile tool in the African American community with hypertension will increase knowledge in self-care management and reduce the effect of the health condition (Bolin, 2017). The synthesis of research will further determine if this will also promote and improve compliance with healthcare instructions and adhere to medication in a home setting to manage chronic high blood pressure illness.  The design of hypertension self-care profile tool is for use in the home setting for a person to measure and record reports on a scale indicating the reliability and validity of the self-care, especially adherence to medication (Brewer & Allen, 2019). The tool, therefore, means it is applicable for the African American population with hypertension who do not have adequate access to healthcare services and care.

Background and Significance


Self-care for chronic illness is a measure put in place to manage and control chronic disease to promote and improve a person’s outcomes, health, wellbeing, and productivity. According to Lewington et al. (2016), it is unfortunate that people suffering from chronic conditions do not adhere to self-care, self-efficiency and, self-management practices primarily in the minority communities such as Africa American populations. It associated with the lack of adequate information, knowledge, cultural beliefs, lack of support, and the ability to participate in the self-care management process (Spikes et al., 2019). The lack of sufficient treatment of hypertension but management using a medication, control measures, and therapy provide enough ways to control the illness. Therefore, hypertension level and behavioral tools are very crucial to help the health care providers such as nurses to assist the patients in handling and curbing the blood pressure using these tools.

Africa American population has an uncontrolled rate of hypertension due to late detection or lack of diagnosis, which results in health disparities. Health disparities are an issue that is experienced by different people because of their different diversities and background. African Americans with hypertension also suffer gaps in care, treatment, and management of hypertension (Gu et Al., 2017). The prevalence of self-care practices among African Americans with hypertension should critically examined to make sure they use the available tools to help them adhere to self-care activities to reduce the effect of hypertension and enhance healthy productive living.

The hypertension burden is increasing among people from African American backgrounds; therefore, literature and research concerning hypertension self-care for African American individuals are vital to identify, describe, and criticize the issue. Patients with hypertension must be aware of different aspects of hypertension and multiple exercises and practices for self-care (Fei et al., 2017). Public health aims to control the rate of hypertension among African Americans by using a hypertension self-care profile tool to measure and control hypertension. Hypertension is a disease that affects anyone, including children, the elderly, and adults, even though the preference and risk of hypertension are different with age and for different ethnicities. The hypertension preference rate for African Americans is higher.


Hypertension is a global medical condition, requires a lot of information to enable patients with hypertension from an African American background. Relevant information regarding self-care exercise for a population with hypertension is crucial to make sure the illness and people live happy and productive lives. According to Warren-Findlow et al. (2020), the main goal of analyzing evidence-based research of literature is to establish whether using hypertension self-care profile among the African American population effectively enhances management and control of the disease by providing the community who have higher preferences the knowledge, education and, information they need to deal with hypertension. Hypertension being a chronic illness, is untreatable but can be effectively managed to live a fully healthy and productive life.

Hypertension self-care profile is a crucial tool that enables people with high blood pressure to manage this chronic disease efficiently. The rapid increase of hypertension among the African American communities means that a lot of research and information should be provided, especially about the rate of developing hypertension (Warren-Findlow et al., 2020). Analyzing the available literature is extensively significant to explain the hypertension disease among African American communities by providing a  detailed description of the condition and tools that patients can use to measure their level of blood pressure and whether the medication is valid or not.

Hypertension disease is a mostly asymptomatic health condition that is hard to discover, therefore when a person visits the hospital for another state; they should undertake blood pressure tests to know their status and know if they have a higher risk of developing hypertension. According to Dickson et al. (2017), the research provides relevant information to the African American community to be able to prevent themselves from the adverse effects of the condition. They are systematically reviewing different research to analyze the risk of developing hypertension, mainly due to their ethical background.

Hypertension is widely known as a silent killer because it lacks visible symptoms; thus, it attacks an individual in a hidden manner, which increases the rate of developing health complications such as organ failure. Therefore people should pay attention to their health and bodies to have an opportunity to identify the cause of hypertension and take the necessary interventions quickly. People should not assume because they are healthy without any symptoms of hypertension that they are safe. Therefore the focus of hypertension should not only be in hospitals and healthcare organizations but a community and government issues to be able to effectively manage the illness when it develops (Musemwa & Gadegbeku, 2017).

Problem statement

The problem state explains what the research is aiming to achieve after it and the concepts learned implemented.  After the implementation of a community-based hypertension program in a primary care clinic, (P) will urban African Americans diagnosed with hypertension, (I) who obtained health promotion hypertension education in a primary care clinic, (C) compared to no program, (O) self-report improved behaviors in hypertension management, increased motivation for improving hypertension, and increased knowledge related to hypertension by 50%, (T) within 30 days post-intervention as by the hypertension self-care profile tool?

Description of the Problem (PICOT)

African Americans have a significant burden with hypertension, which is a global health issue that results in mortality and mobility among the people. The weight is because of inadequate information and knowledge to bring to attention the impact of hypertension among the African American counties to be able to effectively treat and manage these health issues to promote quality life. Healthcare providers have essential duties to carry out the community’s mobilization, especially the minority communities, to avoid the racial differences when providing services to people with hypertension (Nasser & Ferdinand, 2018). Effectiveness and impact of community-based interventions to enhance the control of hypertension in African Americans is a salient effort by healthcare providers to make sure they focus on efficient ways to self-care and measure the outcomes.

The implementation of a hypertension self-care profile tool to measure the level of high blood pressure makes sure every individual can know their status and ways to deal with the illness. According to Zabler et al. (2018), the healthcare provider’s diagnosis of hypertension through a process provided in healthcare centers through blood testing or checking the symptoms of the patients. Africa American has a higher risk of developing hypertension and hence should visit the hospitals regularly and undertake high blood pressure testing to know their status. The creation of universal health coverage makes it possible for every citizen irrespective of the background to have a right to care services, including within a healthcare setting.

The systematic literature review summary has indicated that every health care organization should provide education and evidence-based information to patients about hypertension. African American people are a minority community and therefore experiences disparity in healthcare services. According to Nasser & Ferdinand, (2018), this systematic literature review, it is clear that the availability of hypertension self-care profile tools and self-management program create more awareness on measures and interventions required to prevent adverse outcomes among the patients. The program is beneficial as it provided evidence-based education, information and, knowledge to the  African Americans to control blood pressure by using the tool to measure their behavioral, activities, and disease component to promote follow-up with healthcare providers and improve health and wellbeing.

The development of hypertension self-care and management tools enhances the improvement of self-report activities among the population. The increase in behaviors is due to gaining new knowledge and information, which is useful in the control of hypertension. African American communities adopt the activities and measurement tools to achieve the required results of increasing the behavior of self-management among the patients suffering from hypertension. The literature indicates that education and providing self-care tools and relevant knowledge to communities will enable the people to implement and use this information to control their conditions to avoid adverse effects.

  Project needs assessment

Hypertension Self-Care Profile tool for self-management is developed based on valid theoretical approaches to evaluating the motivation, self-efficiency, and behaviors of using this tool among African American people (Seow et al., 2017). Comprehensive understanding of hypertension self-care is theoretically grounded research about the use of self-management to control hypertension makes sure the instrument of care is reliable, valid. The theoretical framework of hypertension Self-Care Profile Tool reated using the high blood pressure care guidelines, which makes sure the device is qualified to address wide-spread and irrepressible components of high blood pressure issues relevant to patient care (Dickson et al., 2017). The tool is efficient and effective, and the people with hypertension have confidence when using the machine for self-care.

The Hypertension Self-Care Profile tool is sufficient, sensitive, and relevant for the African American population who has many cases of hypertension. The device monitors and detects the medication-taking behaviors, given the rapidly growing evidence of hypertension among the African American population in the United States (Musemwa & Gadegbeku, 2017). The instrument consists of  3 scales, which indicate the action, motivation, and self-efficiency, used together to guide the self-efficient measurement of hypertension levels and ways to control higher or lower levels of blood pressure.

The HBP-SCP tool consist of substantial evidence and support of higher reliability, which shows that the tool has strong validity, which makes it a useful and approved mechanism for the African American population to use to control the prevalence of hypertension.  Also, the device is used by healthcare providers to identify and fill gaps that exist in control of hypertension (Musemwa & Gadegbeku, 2017).  The tool effectiveness is because it is applicable to detect levels of hypertension condition in people of different ethics, especially the ethics with a higher prevalence of hypertension.

Specific project Aim

This evidenced-based project aims to systematically evaluate literature to establish whether utilizing the hypertension self-care profile in the African American community with hypertension will increase knowledge in self-care management to enhance compliance with healthcare provider instructions and medication in a home to control chronic hypertension illness.

Research objective

  1. To develop an evidence-based practice program for health workers that utilizes hypertension self-care profile among African Americans to provide adequate knowledge on management and information to enhance compliance with activities and practices to manage hypertension in a home care setting.
  2. To synthesis evidence-based resources helps to find out whether the availability of knowledge, behavior, and self-efficiency among African Americans contributes to following up with healthcare providers when managing hypertension.
  3. To describe African Americans population with hypertension who shows an application of self-care behaviors and specific factors that affects the use of information.

Synthesis of evidence

The systematic review and synthesis of literature will provide a clear understanding of whether utilizing the hypertension self-care profile assessment tool in the African American community with hypertension will increase knowledge in self-care management to improve and promote health among this ethnic population. The review will further enhance compliance with self-management by enhancing follow-up visits to the hospitals and adequate medication to manage hypertension, which is a chronic illness (Fei, 2017).  The availability of limited knowledge, awareness, and information about hypertension complications causes delays or the ability for African Americans to engage in self-care behaviors to manage a health condition.

Definition of Hypertension

Hypertension is a long term severe and chronic health condition that develops when the pressure of the flowing blood in the body is high, causing a lot of pressure to the walls of the arteries. According to Boulware et al. (2020), it is a health condition found all the world and affects people from diverse backgrounds changing adults who are 19 years or above, and its prevalence increase with age. Hypertension develops without any symptoms, which means that it silently develops in the body without notice. Therefore people should pay attention to how they feel and visit healthcare centers regularly for a checkup to be able to identify the condition early (Brewer & Allen, 2019). When identified first without entirely progressing, it eis managed to avoid consequences to the health of the patient. Due to this silent and non-symptomatic development,hthe name silent killer.

Presentation of Hypertension

Hypertension being a silent killer, required regular visits to healthcare providers to enhance early diagnosis effectively managed. According to Long et al. (2017), the health care providers measure the blood pressure of the patient that provides a number that measures the force of the blood. The results are presented in two numbers the systolic number, which gives the results of the power of blood on the arteries during heartbeats, and the diastolic number, which shows results of blood pressure in vessels between heartbeats when the heart is resting. In case the results of systolic reading during a different test are ≥140 mmHg, and the diastolic force of the blood during the different measurement is ≥90 mmHg, hypertension is confirmed (Long et al., 2017).

Hypertension Self-Care Profile Tool (HBP-SCP)

Hypertension Self-Care Profile Tool is an instrument developed with a high level of adequacy by evaluating the tool against the well-known guidelines and behaviors of care for a hypertension health condition. The device is reliable and valid to capture all the critical domains of hypertension to be able to measure and self-manage this health condition (Brewer & Allen, 2019). The hypertension Self-Care Profile consists of a concurrent scale to enhance efficient self-care measures, which make the tool a promising way to control hypertension. The self-care profile tool is a self-care measure that follows the use of a scale that is validated to summarize and give a result of hypertension self-care assessment by the patient (Olayinka et al., 2020). The self-care testdone regularly to provide the effect of hypertension, especially when self-management activities such as adherance to medication  to establish whether the drug is valid or not.

The tool uses different items modified and included in the scale, such as components of the disease, medication, behavior of the patient and, adherence to self-care activities to produce accurate results. The Hypertension Self-Care Profile is an effective way among people of African Americans to control hypertension illness. According to Nasser & Ferdinand (2018), the tool can measure different aspects related to high blood pressure to identify whether they are in line with the control and management program to avoid adverse consequences and negative outcomes. To achieve an accurate result, the patients repeat the process of measuring multiple times after performing the self-care activities to examine and determine the importance of each self-care practice to help control and manage hypertension

Hypertension Self-Care Activities and practices

Hypertension self-care refers to dynamic and active procedures that require adequate knowledge, self-regulation, commitment, and self-efficiency to be able to control consequences that arise from individuals suffering from high blood pressure. Self-care practice is essential for people suffering from hypertension to be able to manage and minimize the negative impacts and consequences related to the disease. According to Ademe et al. (2019), the hypertension self- management involves activities to control the effects of hypertension to reduce complications associated with the condition such as stroke and extreme consequences such as premature death. African American adopts behaviors which are detectable by the instrument scale to make sure they can be able to detect and adequately control the high blood pressure.

The utilization of hypertension self-care profile tool enabled to identify and explain the pattern of controlling blood pressure to make sure the African American communities have the relevant know-how to utilize the instrument to reduce the effects of hypertension (Fei et al., 2017). African American patients with hypertension should make an active decision to control the condition by monitoring the self-management process to control blood pressure to promote healthy living. Hypertension self-care practices make urea person manages the health condition to make sure the activities benefit the patient rather than causing more problems

Self-care is a process that involves carrying out different exercises and activities to control the effects of hypertension. The self-care practice consists of a recommendation from healthcare providers that are adopted in daily lives to be able to manage the condition so that a person can live happy, healthy, and productive life even though they have hypertension, which is a chronic illness. With proper self-care practice among the African American communities, the population lives a long life, and the disease does not affect the ability of a person to live. According to Ademe et al. (2019), due to the high risk and prevalence of hypertension among the African American population, programs and projects that provide information and knowledge about hypertension self-care to be able to manage and continue living a healthy life. The primary hypertension practices of self-care to control the complication of the disease include;

Taking medication

The hypertension self-care profile is an instrument that measures the effects of not taking medication to manage the impact of the illness.  Any person, irrespective of the background, should adequately follow the doctor’s prescription when taking medication to enhance efficiency in treatment (Boulware et al., 2020).  People from African American communities provided with information on how to use such tools to measure their condition after taking the medication to know whether it is valid or not. The device handles all the treatment domains to measure the status of a patient.

Self-monitoring the blood pressure

Self-monitoring is a process of regularly taking high blood pressure test at home without visiting healthcare organization. It is a process whereby a patient uses different measurement tools such as hypertension self-care profile, which monitors individual behavior and self-efficiency practice to control hypertension (Fei et al., 2017).  Adherence to medication is the most compelling way to self-monitor the blood pressure to maintain it at the required level to avoid health constraints and adverse outcomes. The medication monitoring involves administering the treatment as directed by physicians while in-home care setting and finish the dose as directed (Koh et al., 2016). Also, other activities are monitored, such as drinking alcohol, to avoid the increase of blood pressure resulting in high blood pressure.

Taking low fat, low sodium, and a balanced diet

The population from different ethnicity has different preferences and traditions; therefore, people from African American backgrounds with hypertension should consume food with low cholesterol, fats, and sodium to avoid worsening the chronic condition of the disease (Ademe et al., 2019). Having the hypertension self-care profile tool makes sure a person can take data after consuming particular food to determine whether their blood pressure has increased after consumption. According to this literature, reviewing avoiding such food is a self-care practice that helps minimize the effects of hypertension.

Regular exercise and reducing stress

Among patients with hypertension from any diversity, regular exercise, and reducing stress is one of the significant ways to self-care and reduce the consequences associated with hypertension. Lack of physical activity the risk of hypertension effects such as for overweight, stroke, and death because a person’s body becomes weak, resulting in health issues (Lewington et al., 2016). It is a self-management practice which people should follow to make sure their body is healthy and without stress to be able to deal with the disease and live a healthy life. An individual with hypertension should observe their exercises to maintain and avoid weight increase and loss to make sure their body is fit to be able to deal with chronic health condition issues.

Factors that affect hypertension self-care practice among African American Ethnicity

To achieve the targeted aim when using the instrument to control hypertension among the African American population, different elements and focuses should be considered to enhance effectiveness. The factors associated with hypertension self-care regarded as to improve the adoption of target interventions to improve hypertension self-management practice. According to Bolin (2017), such factors make sure the people with hypertension supported through maintaining, monitoring, and managing their health conditions using a measure of self-care and efficiency without depending on the care provided by the hospital.

The ability of people, especially those from different backgrounds, affects self-care practice for hypertension resulting in unwanted consequences. Hypertension is a chronic illness; therefore, patients require different self-care to be able to manage hypertension.  Different factor influences self-efficiency in hypertension practice. According to Gu et al. (2017), cultural beliefs and activities may hinder hypertension self-care because some methods can be seen as taboo or are not according to the culture of the communities.

Demographic factors such as employment and age

The demographic factors includes changing population composition , which consists people iwith different ages and the economic status of the people within the community. According to Seow et al. (2017), there is a difference in the preference of hypertension in African Americans of different ages, with adults above 19 years having the highest percentage of hypertension cases.

Duration of illness

Hypertension is a silent illness that does not show any symptoms until when it is too late; therefore, to reduce the period of illness before diagnosis, the patient should frequently visit the hospital for blood pressure testing (Salim et al., 2019). The longer the period of an illness goes without being diagnosed or treated, the greater the consequences. African Americans have a higher risk of developing hypertension should notice changes in their body to make sure if they develop hypertension treatment, and self-management started early to avoid complications.

Hypertension healthy literacy and education

Lack of knowledge about hypertension, treatment, and management hinders the ability and motivation for patients to be able to sustain hypertension self-management by adopting the required behaviors (Long et al., 2017). African Americans are vulnerable communities with inadequate education and lower levels of literacy.  Hypertension self-care profile tools program provides the patients with evidence and relevant information about hypertension and a description of how to manage and enhance self-care practice. According to Koh et al. (2016), literacy and education issues highly contribute to hypertension care and management to live full productive and healthy lives.

Social and health support

There is poor access to community resources among the Africa American community. Lack of community-level and well-equipped healthcare facilities in the African American residences result in causes barriers for management and control of hypertension. According to Brewer, J. M., & Allen (2019), the absence of facilities hinders health support for patients in the minority population, which leads to a lack of control.  Social and health support is crucial to make sure individuals with hypertension follow up on healthcare provider instructions and visits to hospitals as well as preparation of home self-care setting instructions.

Self-management empowerment

The African American communities lack empowerment to engage in self-management because they lack motivation through education and program to adopt self-management behaviors and use a hypertension monitoring tool to sustain their condition. Involving the patient in their self-care is a necessary process that helps to control hypertension.  It encourages compliance with medication and self-efficiency behaviors, which highly contributes to the control of hypertension (Ngoh et al., 2017). Empowering the patients is a process carried out by healthcare workers using programs that encourages self-management.

Theoretical framework

The concept of hypertension self-care profile tool described by theories that assume that results are influenced by environmental, social, demographic, and health issues, which, when adequately dealt with to promote and enhances self-care. The development of Hypertension Self-Care Profile guidance by Orem’s self-care model and motivational interviewing theoretical approaches. Self-managements involve patients participating in their health care, especially in a case of chronic illness such as hypertension, which needs the best human behavior and medication to control the sickness (Zabler et al., 2018). The theoretical concept of self-care involves understanding one’s disease to learn of ways to improve recovery.

The self-management theoretical concept includes the theory of behavior planning, which assumes that self-efficiency and attitude determine the people’s behavior because each person carries out different functions using different abilities to achieve individual behavior effectively. The hypertension self-care profile is a concept adopted from Dorothea Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory, which explains that self-care is applicable in all care settings, whether in a hospital or home care. Whereby each person focuses on their behaviors to achieve health and wellbeing, Cox’s interaction theory assumes of the client should change their behavior and adopt new positive practices that will result in better health outcomes (Warren-Findlow et al., 2018). Each individual has unique acts done to influence and enhance self-care and control. Cox’s model provides workers with adequate support to achieve positive outcomes.

The theoretical framework, according to this literature, provides evidence-based knowledge that enhances understanding of the concept of hypertension and available management and control tools and measures. The higher prevalence of hypertension among African Americans is mostly due to r limited resources and low income among the population, which hinders selfmanagement (Bolin, 2017). Such communities  provided with a relevant measure they can adopt to enhance efficiency. Therefore to clearly understand the literature review is essential to understand the idea of self-care, especially for minority communities like African Americans.

Challenges of Hypertension Self-Care Profile tool

Hypertension self-care is crucial to help control the adverse effects of hypertension. Still, after systematically reviewing evidence-based literature, some disadvantages are associated with using the Hypertension self-care profile instrument. The advantages prevent the efficiency and effectiveness of the patients, especially the African American who has a high risk of developing hypertension.

  1. Lack of evidence-based, relevant, and valuable knowledge and information about hypertension is a burden that makes it hard for people from African American communities to control hypertension. According to Fei (20170, African Americans lack knowledge of existing measurement tools and understanding of how to use current means of self-managing care.
  2. The pattern of bad and unhealthy behaviors among African Americans is a significant problem that acts as a barrier to appropriate hypertension management. Additionally, the individuals lack adequate ability and knowledge to use the hypertension self-care profile to adequately detect and capture various components and dimensions of high blood pressure care (Boulware et al., 2020).
  3. The hypertension self-care profile tool developed in such that they assess the medication control aspect of hypertension without checking other care management practices to measure their effectiveness.
  4. Another challenge of using a hypertension self-care profile tool to provide translation and application of guidelines governing hypertension control measures to make sure the appliance is useful. It provides relevant and accurate assessment to be able to focus on the right management process (Bolin, 2017).


Hypertension is a severe illness that affects millions of people with a higher preference among African Americans in the United States. It is, therefore, crucial to develop ways to deal with hypertension, especially prioritizing the African Americans who have a higher risk of developing the condition. The right way to deal with hypertension cases is hypertension self-care profile, which is a reliable and valid tool. The utilization of self- self-care profile in the African American community increases knowledge in hypertension self-care to improve compliance with medication, the follow-up to the hospital, and adequate care in-home setting to manage the condition effectively (Ngoh et al. .2017). Research literature shows that the self-care profile tool is warranting in the diverse African American. The device uses a precise scale that provides accurate measurements.

The usefulness of hypertension self-care profile achieved through the provision of extensive and adequate education and knowledge on how to use the instrument by carrying out effective high blood pressure management in African American ethnicity. According to this literature review, it is clear that the hypertension self-care profile measures different behavioral components of top blood pressure management so that the adequate psychometric health of the patients is acquired (Ademe et al., 2016). An individual from an African background who uses the hypertension self-care profile shows more improvement and efficiency in their behaviors because they have culturally appropriate education about hypertension for efficient management.

Active and continuous use of this instrument among the population reduces the gap of self-care for the patient with hypertension resulting in healthy living and wellbeing. According to Warren-Findlow et al. (2020), assessment off this tool shows that is useful to enhance self-care, which broadens the potential of utilizing the hypertension self-care profile t to control high blood pressure among African American population. Further research should be carried out to assess the effectiveness of hypertension self-care profile in African American ethnic populations with diverse ages, knowledge, and education.




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