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a circuit that address the main consideration points, such as linearity

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a circuit that address the main consideration points, such as linearity

  1. Design a circuit that address the main consideration points, such as linearity, environmental temperature compensation, zero and gain adjustment and margins.


  1. Simulation and analysis: to test through simulation to ensure the parameters mentioned in point 1 to be satisfied, and further improvement may be required.


  1. Implement the circuit, tests or experiment to collect data, calibrate the system—directly or indirectly. Analyse the steady state and dynamic characteristics.


  1. Consider to design a circuit using a two-wire, single power supply loop (24V DC) system, with the output of 4-20mA as the output.


  1. Add smartness to the design. The following functions can be developed: on-line electronics calibration, faults identification and alarm, digital display and 4-20mA output and so on.


About the circuit:


Use (Arduino Uno) to add functions and features to make a smart system.

  1. Online calibration
  2. Human-machine interface
  3. Build a digital filter
  4. Temperature compensation
  5. Set up alarm, High, Low…
  6. Linearization


Find the best circuits (based your knowledge)—for example, you probably use Instrumentation amplifier (connected to a DC deflection bridge) with filters, with V/I converter. You may also consider the single power supply circuit with current as the output (4-20mA) current loop.

  1. You also have to consider AC Bridge with Lock-in amplifier (PSD)
  2. Look at the linearity of your system, how to improve the linearity of your measurement system—for example, a bridge with constant current supplied to Pt100.

a circuit that address the main consideration points, such as linearity

  1. Design a circuit that address the main consideration points, such as linearity, environmental temperature compensation, zero and gain adjustment and margins.


  1. Simulation and analysis: to test through simulation to ensure the parameters mentioned in point 1 to be satisfied, and further improvement may be required.


  1. Implement the circuit, tests or experiment to collect data, calibrate the system—directly or indirectly. Analyse the steady state and dynamic characteristics.


  1. Consider to design a circuit using a two-wire, single power supply loop (24V DC) system, with the output of 4-20mA as the output.


  1. Add smartness to the design. The following functions can be developed: on-line electronics calibration, faults identification and alarm, digital display and 4-20mA output and so on.


About the circuit:


Use (Arduino Uno) to add functions and features to make a smart system.

  1. Online calibration
  2. Human-machine interface
  3. Build a digital filter
  4. Temperature compensation
  5. Set up alarm, High, Low…
  6. Linearization


Find the best circuits (based your knowledge)—for example, you probably use Instrumentation amplifier (connected to a DC deflection bridge) with filters, with V/I converter. You may also consider the single power supply circuit with current as the output (4-20mA) current loop.

  1. You also have to consider AC Bridge with Lock-in amplifier (PSD)
  2. Look at the linearity of your system, how to improve the linearity of your measurement system—for example, a bridge with constant current supplied to Pt100.


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