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“About Me” Assessment Submission TemplateS

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“About Me” Assessment Submission TemplateS

As you complete each assessment you will use the following templates to record your results. Be sure to include the test name on each template below. If you do not complete them all, please leave the rest blank; remember you MUST complete the 3 mandatory assessments in order to submit your PDP.


Your Answers

ASSESSMENT #1: Test Name

Big 5 personality traits

Summary of Results – in your own words

(minimum 100 words)


There exist five main broad categories of personality traits and each represents an array between two extremes. The big five personality traits include Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and finally Openness to experience.

Openness to experience

There exist a group of individuals who are very open to have novel experiences as well as try out new ideas. Additionally, this group of individuals also enjoy thinking of abstract ideas. On the other hand, there are extreme cases of people who hate change as well as new things and methods of doing something. There are not imaginative in any circumstances. In addition to this, they even hate hypothetical concepts.


There exist a group of individuals who are always organized and plan their activities in advance to ensure they meet set deadlines. On contrast, there are also other fellows who are very careless and do not plan their activities and therefore end up making mistakes and failing to finish assigned work.


In this cases, a person can either be extremely extroverted or introverted. The extroverts are social beings who enjoy attention from the public and make friends easily. Introverts on the other hand find difficulties in initiating conversations and does not getting attention.


People who are high on this care a lot about the welfare of other people. They offer a help to ensure other people are happy. Those who are low on it lack interest on other people’s issues and do not mind about the feelings of others.


The individuals who are high on this are very sensitive therefore end up getting upset easily. In addition to this, they also experience a lot of anxiety therefore prone to stress and mental illness. Those who are low have a lot of emotional stability and can therefore deal with lots of stress in a relaxed manner.

Do you feel the results accurately reflect you in this area? Yes or no, explain your answer

(minimum 75 words)


Yes, they reflect me. I am an introvert who is not open to change. As an introvert, I enjoy being indoors alone and I also have a list of few close acquaintances. I find difficulties in adopting new ways of doing things. Additionally, I keep on post phoning my activities therefore do not meet the set deadlines. My greatest strength is that I possess emotional stability and can work out many difficulty situations without breaking down.

From the results, record one of your strengths and state why it is a strength. (minimum 75 words)



Low Neuroticism. Emotional stability is one of my greatest strength. With such emotional stability, I am always in a position to work under pressure. Additionally, am always very relaxed and worry less even when things seem not to be working. It also takes a lot of effort to have me get annoyed. Additionally, in situations whereby I end up stress, in most instances am always in a position to maneuver well and less impact is created on my daily activities.

From the results, record one area for development and state why.

(minimum 75 words)



I rarely plan my daily activities and therefore end up pilling a lot of work. This has been costing me a lot especially with my assignments and reading for exams. In some instances am forced to work over night in effort to meet the deadlines. The quality of my work as well as performance end up being compromised in the long run. In other instances, I end up being penalized for careless mistakes. My room is also disorganized since I always forget to return things where I picked them hence not appealing to the eye.


Be sure to use course content, save the templates and your responses as a Word file, and upload to the “About Me” Submissions Folder. Please save the file under your name.


Your Answers

ASSESSMENT #2: Test Name

Cognitive styles

Summary of Results – in your own words

(minimum 100 words)


Cognitive style is the way by which persons recognize the information about an object within their environment as well as their patterns of thought they utilize in coming up with knowledge about the things that surround them. The most crucial cognitive styles are three and they include leveling-sharpening, field-independence or dependence and finally reflectivity-impulsivity. Cognitive styles are subject of influence by the surrounding environment.


Refers to how individuals make use of previously gained information in the process of taking in new knowledge. The difference that occurs is that levelers inaccurately associate feature of prior information with the current since they select prior memories from a wide scope. On the other hand levels tend to be accurate since they select memories on a limited scope and relate it with the prevailing conditions.

field-independence or dependence

Field dependent person in most instances is impersonal and can study social behaviors although they find challenges in differentiating dissimilar modelling styles hidden in a similar background. The field independent person is impersonal and can easily find the difference in geometric shape even when embedded in a similar background.


Reflective persons take longer than usual to think through something and produce very accurate response. On the other hand, impulsive persons think through events very fast and fail to evaluate their responses well and end up giving inaccurate answers.


Do you feel the results accurately reflect you in this area? Yes or no, explain your answer

(minimum 75 words)


Yes, my habits of thinking are accurately presented. For instance, I am a sharper and in most instances I process information to bring out the best correlation between information previously obtained and the current. The information is categorized in the brain well to ensure events do not mix up. Additionally, am also a reflexive person who is considered slow in doing things. Sometimes I take longer time than an average person to think through a situation and finally end up getting the best score.

From the results, record one of your strengths and state why it is a strength. (minimum 75 words)



My outstanding strength is that am a sharper and therefore a better decision maker on different aspects of life. The ability to connect the past behaviors about people and the current has helped me in determining accurately when to quit some unhealthy relationship with less regrets. Additionally, in class work am also able to relate lessons previously taught as prerequisite to a unit with the current teachings. Therefore, I end up being smart on critical thinking.

From the results, record one area for development and state why.

(minimum 75 words)


Am a reflective person and sometimes I take extremely longer periods of time before making decisions. Although in most instance they are always smart decisions, the delay becomes stressful to other people who we work with due to impatience. In addition to this, other activities are also delayed affecting time schedules. I need to improve on the speed since it may mess up my future projects and job as well especially when I have to make decision urgently


Your Answers

ASSESSMENT #3: Test Name

What is my conflict management style

Summary of Results – in your own words

(minimum 100 words)


There exist five main conflict management styles. They include; accommodating whereby one forgoes their own needs to make others win and be happy. It can be an individual decision to give in or it can occur through persuasion. Secondly, avoiding is also another style of conflict management. In this case, individual evades conflict and they do not listen to the demands of the other party and neither do they express themselves. Thirdly, in compromising style, an individual attempts to find a partially satisfying solution for both parties in conflict addressing needs of both parties partially. Collaborating style aims at creating a win-win situation among parties in conflict with all their needs addressed. Lastly, when competing style is used, parties take firm stands and are unwilling to readjust and take in the perspective of the other party.

Do you feel the results accurately reflect you in this area? Yes or no, explain your answer

(minimum 75 words)


Yes, my behaviors are reflected in this assessment. Although I desire being completely at peace and in agreement with other conflicts emerge. They occur in all social settings at family level, school among others. Sometimes conflict have negative consequences especially on my romantic relationship. The style of my response to conflict is however different based on a number of factors. For instance, when in conflict with a friend, I prefer using accommodating style since I don’t have to hurt their feelings. When in conflict with a lover based on the density of the situation, I use both compromising and accommodation style.

From the results, record one of your strengths and state why it is a strength. (minimum 75 words)



The ability to listen carefully to the needs of others and evaluate the worth of the issue correctly is one of my great strength. With this trait, have been in a position to decide the amount of energy to invest in the issue. However, my desire is always to have others happy even at my own expenses.

Therefore, if the issue is not of much value and it’s likely to ruin a relationship that is worthy keeping I forgot it and let others win.

From the results, record one area for development and state why.

(minimum 75 words)


I am realizing communication is key factor to consider in making sure conflict is well managed. However, I lack the ability to express my opinions and feelings such that others can understand. Therefore using of both collaborating and compromising style is a challenge. Others find it difficult in getting to my world. Therefore, I need to work and improve on my communication skills to become better in conflict management in future. Upon such improvements, some of my needs will be addressed and I won’t have to forgo always.



Your Answers

ASSESSMENT #4: Test Name

Learning styles

Summary of Results – in your own words

(minimum 100 words)


Different individuals grasp concepts and process and store information obtained differently. Some students learn a similar concepts better through verbal provision while others grasp the same concepts while it is carried out through practical demonstration. It is therefore crucial to have an educator understand the best learning style for all students although in higher learning all styles are incorporated. There are four categories of learning styles and the include Visual, Auditory, Reading or writing preference and finally Kinesthetic. Visual students prefer use of images such as maps to each. Auditory learners on the other hand gain concepts better through listening and speaking. Kinesthetic students learn best when they translate abstract ideas into practical use.

Do you feel the results accurately reflect you in this area? Yes or no, explain your answer

(minimum 75 words)


Yes, my learning style is reflected in the student. I am an Auditory learner and I grasp concepts better when during lectures or group discussion. The activities involved in this learning method are active speaking and listening. However, I have to repetitively study a concept so that I can memories it well. I always learn best through question and answer sessions. When other methods of teaching such as purely practical sessions are used without incorporation with a lecture I merely grasp a concept.

From the results, record one of your strengths and state why it is a strength. (minimum 75 words)



My greatest strength is that when listening and speaking method is used for teaching and especially a concept is repeated severally, I am always in a position to retain the knowledge gained for many years. In only need very few minutes to remind myself that concept. I therefore end up performing better in class on subjects taught through lecture methods. I also have the confidence to ask questions in order to lead to further discussion of an idea that is not clear.

From the results, record one area for development and state why.

(minimum 75 words)


Although I learn best through teaching method involving listening and speaking, I perform very poorly especially when reading and writing learning style is used. Educators who prefer issuing adults have always disadvantaged me. Sometimes I end up being judged as having low intelligence without recognizing the pitfalls of the delivery method. The drop in performance sometimes translates into harsh punishment from the parent especially when I have to repeat a course. I therefore need to come up with strategies of using other learning methods to breed better performance.



Your Answers

ASSESSMENT #5: Test Name

Assertiveness Questionnaire

Summary of Results – in your own words

(minimum 100 words)


Assertiveness refers to one’s ability to express himself or herself in a manner that is honesty and appropriately directly to the target audience with consideration and respect to the ideas and feelings of other people. Assertive individuals defend their own personal rights and at the same time show respect to the rights of others. Assertiveness questionnaire is a tool used to evaluate whether one is assertive or passive or aggressive or even passive-aggressive. The questionnaire identifies the different occasions when one behaves non-assertively like when asking to be served or even proposing an idea among other situations. Additionally, it also helps identify the people you are around when expressing non assertiveness for example an employer. Finally, this questionnaire also identifies the goals you have been unable to achieve with assertive style such as being listened to and understood.

Do you feel the results accurately reflect you in this area? Yes or no, explain your answer

(minimum 75 words)


Yes, the results accurately reflect my behavior. On different occasions I can either assertive or passive or aggressive or even passive-aggressive. The people involved in the occasions differ. For instance, when arguing with my mother over a goal have not been in a position to achieve, I tend to be non-assertive since she is always the one who is right and talking. As a result, am forced to seek attention sometimes when the urge to be heard is extremely a lot.

From the results, record one of your strengths and state why it is a strength. (minimum 75 words)



My greatest strength is that I am always assertive especially when people show respect to my opinions and feelings as I always do to them. Even when the disrespect is not much and frequent, am always in a position to overlook it. It is only on very extreme cases and whereby oppression is too much that I react non-assertively. In most instances, am at peace with people and in other instances am in a position to accommodate them with their weaknesses.

From the results, record one area for development and state why.

(minimum 75 words)


I need to learn to handle each occasion of disrespect of my opinions the moment it occurs in an assertive manner. This is because when all is piled up, the consequences are negative. The issue can be really minute when the outburst of anger occur. This makes it difficult for the other party to understand why I reacted in such a manner. Although have been avoiding the outburst of anger by being passive, my feelings seem to still be hurt.


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