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Biologically plants are organisms made up of many cells, perform photosynthesis, and belong to the kingdom Plantae. During the early days, plants were taken to comprise all living things, excluding animals, fungi, and algae. With more research, plants have been defined to include a group that comprises of flowering plants, ferns, green algae, among others. All green plants get their energy directly from the sun through a process referred to as photosynthesis. A majority of plants usually grow in the ground with roots inside the soil and stems in the air. Other types float inside water. The roots are responsible for absorbing water and nutrients needed by the plant to grow and live healthily. The nutrients reach other parts of the plant through the stem. Water evaporates from pores in the plant leaves through a process referred to as transpiration. To make food a plant requires, minerals, sunlight and carbon dioxide. The part that makes plants green is referred to as chlorophyll and is the one that traps energy from the sun to make food. is a company made up of a team of people with love for plants. The company’s main aim is to ensure wellbeing and happiness by ensuring lives are made green. The company has looked for greenhouses throughout the country to ensure they get a wide variety of beautiful and fresh plants. The company has a variety of plants it offers from cheerful house plants to easy to air plants and statement-making trees.

Products and services of offers its products in various categories: signature collections, plant types, plant care, plant gifts, and allows one to shop by size. As far as plant types are concerned, the company offers house plants, air plants, orchids, floor plants, trees, and herbs. In signature collections, the company offers bright light plants, low light plants, kitchen plants, bedroom plants, natural care plants, and pet-friendly plants. In-plant gift one can find office plants, plants for beginner’s sympathy plants, and corporate gifts, among others.

Compliments, complaints, and tips for

The company strives to ensure it offers quality client experience. It has an open shipping policy and does everything it can to ensure that your plant is shipped efficiently, safely, and within a convenient time frame. It offers free shipping for all orders above $75. It also offers overnight shipping, among other shipping options. The company believes that clients shopping experience should be seamless. It is thus passionate about offering a first-class experience to its clients as well as inspirational green products. has a customer care team that’s available 24 hours a day 7days a week and offers support such as plant care tips, delivery status, shopping suggestion as well as other inquiries that a client may have. also

helps clients know their planting zone, letting them know the climatic

conditions of their geographic zone so that they can know how their plants will

thrive in their area. If you have used their products, leave a review on US-Reviews.


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